Cat Stress: What You Need to Know!

What you don’t know can hurt you, your home, and of course your cat! In this video, I take a look at the 3 pillars of cat stressors …


  1. I remember when I was pregnant and almost about to give birth to my 1st baby. The kitty's we're absolutely worried about it. I went to finish up her crib and….whiff-whiff, sniff-sniff… šŸ¤® Kitty pee on all the new baby bed and blankets! I was so pissed, but I thought šŸ¤”. How do I fix this? So I put the kitty's in the room with me when I was cleaning up and then putting new bedding down. I placed each one in the crib and gently talked to her. Then I grabbed her up and put her on my tummy and gave lots of pets and snuggles. I made them feel as safe as I could with the nursery. So when baby came. I put her on my bed and put each one of the girls there to allow a sniff sniff and get use to her smell. From that day on if she cried I had a kitty come seek me out and meow, "mom…baby needs you!" And they never peed on her bed ever again. They really loved her. Until the toddler years. Lol. Where she'd put them in her Dora kitchen and I'd hear yowl, yowl, and ask my daughter where kitty was. She'd waddle to the Dora kitchen open her oven and out popped kitty. Lmao!! They hated her during that age but they tolerated her. So we had quite a bit of baked yowling kitty for about 6 mos, but after that everything went back to normal!! Lol! Loved my 2 girls and always will. My daughter's 14 and she still loves her sister's in kitty heaven. May Jackie Chan and Shadow rest in kitty heaven and be chasing mice in the clouds. šŸ’–šŸ˜ŗ

  2. Thank you Jackson. I am glad to have watched yet another of your videos. My cat moved in with me two weeks ago. I made sure everything was ready before bringing him in. He is better but still very stressed out.

  3. Such a great informative educational video that every single cat owner, in my opinion, needs to watch more than once in order to understand some of the real intricacies that is ultimately what being a responsible cat owner entails. So many of these details are missed in cat owners and it really is such a shame because these precious little creatures canā€™t communicate with us in the way that would just make things clear to us. What they need,what theyā€™re missing, their fears and anxieties and pains. Itā€™s up to us as the owners to equip yourselves with this sort of information and really use it in order to care for our cats in the best way possible. They rely on us to,and itā€™s the responsibility we sign up for when we decide to take on the care of a pet- no matter what animal. You know what I would like to see? Some sort of exam where potential owners are given the materials needed to improve their knowledge of what it means to own and take care of their pet of choice before they have the right to adopt that animal. Like a licence or certificate or something to say yes this person knows what the daily needs of owning this animal entails. Itā€™s a privilege to own a pet and I donā€™t think it should just be something ā€œanyoneā€ should be able to do without so much as a cash exchange or agreement. If for whatever reason down the track that owner has been found to be not following through on the basic needs of that animal- the animal can be removed from that person along with their license to own. Not adhering to an agreement to care for that animal as signed for in a contract maybe upon adopting- could mean facing criminal charges. Iā€™m serious. I see fit to often animals suffering because their owner isnā€™t educated on their pets needs and how to maintain their wellbeing. This video is just such a great start to providing that much needed information Iā€™m just so thankful. Iā€™m sure it has enhanced the lives of many cats. This needs to be all over the internet. All those places where people upload what they think are funny cat videos- not to be a wet blanket but there are few that i find funny when the reactions these cats are giving are a result of something that has scared, startled, traumatised or stressed them. God I jut shake my head sometimes out of pure disbelief at some peopleā€™s inability to see the real situation as it is. Itā€™s not funny to force a cat to have a bath when itā€™s not dirty and has no medical conditions that mean itā€™s necessary to do that! The poor cat is obviously at the peak of its stress levels and you as a so called loving cat owner, are the one inflicting this on the poor defenceless being for no good reason whatsoever? Wtf. I could go on all day. Letā€™s all share this great video and strive to be the best pet owners we can be. Not because of how they enrich our lives. But because of how we enrich theirs. Itā€™s us who should be thankful for all they teach us while part of our lives. The least they deserve is to be well cared for by educated and knowledgeable owners. They canā€™t speak English. If they could Iā€™m sure they would. We must learn their form of communication. It exists. Itā€™s right there. Just take the time to learn it and observe it and to know when they need help. And itā€™s not funny bathing your poor cat. Should smack u upside the head hard for that.

  4. I watch your videos to chill (big stresses recently) and my big boy gave me the DIRTIEST LOOK at your caterwauling, it made me stop crying (lost my elderly dog 3 weeks ago) and laugh until he meowed at me indignantly. Thank you.

  5. Today I give thanks to a great man called Dr Ogudugu on YouTube for the wonders he did for me with his natural roots and herbs supplements that I used to get out the genital herpes (HSV2) OFF my system forever.

  6. Help! What about a young cat that REGULARLY pees where he should not?
    He DOES use the litter box a lot, we have tried putting out 4 litter boxes throughout the house. He has been with us for 6months, but the peeing in clean clothing baskets, and on beds and furniture continues. He was neutered at the right age according to the vet. He is up to date an all shots and check ups. He IS over aggressive towards his sister, like constantly stalking her and what starts as a play fight she will be crying out and trying to get away and hide from him and he just keeps at it. His sister is stressed by him.

    Is there hope for him to learn to not be an a**hole? He is sweet and affectionate and loves human attention… But the unpredictable peeing and aggressiveness must stop or I cannot keep him. šŸ˜¢

  7. My cat started to pull his hair intentionally after i take his cone out. The doctor said "it s just stress,u should teach him not to do that" but i feel it s something else

  8. I have 6 indoor cats and feed feral cats as well. My one cat only stays under my bed all day and night in the other empty bedroom closet. If my other cats spot him coming out for food or water he gets chased down. He was a stray and he has been inside for 2 years now. He might let me get a pet in but usually he puts his head down in hiding. The vet said he's depressed and the other cats have scratched his fur tearing a pocket in it before. I just wish he would let me hold him and love him. The only time they are all nice is when I say it's time for snacks and then he is back to hiding. I just feel so bad for him. I go back and talk to him in the closet several times a day, wash his blanket. Ik that's not a good life he is living, but I don't want to give him up and have him possibly be hurt.

  9. hello Jackson, thank you for insightful teaching. I would like to ask you whether you can help with cat grieving, when his/her best friend dies and he/she is suddenly alone, it is so overwhelming not to know what to do to help them. I hope you will read my request. Thank you in advance

  10. So itā€™s probably my family that just moved in? She only nips at my cousins and not my little brother who is the same age . They are a lot louder then how quiet my family usuallt is

  11. One of my cats seems to have very sensitive nervous system. She got sick only 6 months old and visited vets many times. From that point she can't trust anyone besides me and my partner. When we left her with our neighbors we used mild herbal meds to calm her down. She was hissing anyway so we thought it didn't work. But now we left her again without the meds and she went crazy… She scratched her head badly. My heart just broke because I'm not coming back for 1 week more. She is very dynamic emotionally, loves us like a dog, hates people like a monster. I have no idea what to do with her. Even going to the vet is extremely hard and it makes her worse. She is allergic to food and despite eating the right food when she is stressed she gets the back skin moving and allergic symptoms. I'm trying to support her in everyday life but she seems to accumulate stressing situations and calms down VERY slowly. I haven't tried feliway yet and I think I'll go for it next time. But any advice for an easily stressed out cat would be great

  12. In another video I would love to learn more about feral cat colony behavior – how do cats of different ages and sexes interact with each other without humans around to interfere, how do different colonies interact with each other in territorial disputes or competition for resources, etc. I feel like it would help understand their goals and motivations as a species more thoroughly, and there aren't many resources about colony behavior at all.

  13. I move to a new home my little girly girl feline went around the new place meowing. She did this 2 or 3 times a day for about 3 days. Then she chilled out. I took it as she was announcing that this is now her turf.

  14. My cat has just had steroid injection and tablets, antibiotic injection, scans, cameras, some kung fluid test, blood tests…..and we found nothing!!! She's breathing very open mouthed, very loud, but she isn't breathing fast or panting. I'm at my wits ends šŸ˜”ā˜¹ļøšŸ˜£

  15. One of my kittens (6 weeks old)screams just before he poops or pees. He did it before he knew to use the litter box ( only two incidents. Cat's are smart.) He was screaming by the door, acting agitated, almost doing the "i-have-to-pee-but-I-dont-have-a-bathroom" dance that little kids do while I was going into a panic because of the screaming wondering what could be wrong, when he squatted a little…I picked him up and ran him to the litter box. That happened twice, and he's been using the litter box ever since. (He still screams before he poops. He goes into the litter box, screams, squats,poops, hurries it, walks away.šŸ¤·)
    That's the worst human caterwauling I've ever heard.šŸ˜‚(I adopted five, one had four more. I've got it down.šŸ±šŸ™€)

  16. ā€œYou chain smokers out thereā€ as Iā€™m stress smoking trying to find a way to de-stress my cat! Hahaha Great video! My kitty is almost a year now. I picked him up from a very abusive breeder who I believe was only in it to make a buck or two. It took 4 months for him to finally crack out of his shell just a little bit. (he still has random moments where his trauma comes out) He still puts is ears and tail down sometimes but nevertheless, he is better thanks to you! Cheers.

  17. We had an extreme case of this when we had to take custody of our two yr old grandchild (so she wouldn't be put in foster care). The oldest of our three cats didn't like it in the least. She kept attacking the toddler and peeing on everything (including jumping on my stove and peeing on the burner) so since she was an indoor/outdoor cat we had to stop letting her in the house (she was brought into the garage at night and had her own little corner with a cat bed and all).

  18. My 7 months old cat just got heā€™s 2nd dose vaccine today and the veterinarian asked how is he doing at home and I answered him heā€™s doing good and very silent but sadly the veterinarian said that he got more aggressive. I felt bad, and now Iā€™m thinking why and what was the reason of it. Hope you can help me . Because if my cat is stressed I felt stressed too.

  19. Hope you see this, I am so stressed as well. My cat was able to adjust to 2 new kittens I recently welcomed to my home, they were playing before then also they are already licking or grooming each other, then all of a sudden my adult cat hissed and kept on swatting the kittens because I groomed her and removed her acne. Kind of scared and lost. I don't know how to manage this.

  20. I'd welcome any helpful videos or tips on introducing a new adult cat to 3 resident cats. I have two boys, one is rather a Napoleon, one male timid, and one female. The new cat is female, was feral. I still can't trust the boys with her and it's been over a year. It's been a super slow process also because I work a lot.

  21. Hey Jackson, there does not seem to be a huge amount of advice out there for how to help manage stress related over grooming, I am currently trying to help a cat with this but we are struggling to identify the cause of the stress alot. I am reccomending general feline enrichment, and catification in the hope this helps. If you have any specific advice for this kind of problem, it would be great to see a video about overgrooming specifically.

  22. So on that note. I am pregnant and we are expecting here in 7 weeks. We plan on locking the cats out of our room while we sleep. We fear they will sleep on the baby. They are used to sleeping with us. How can we gently introduce them to not sleeping with us til the baby is older?

  23. Hi
    My 9 month old cat usually hides. Ever since she came in she has seemed anxious and confused. Hardly plays , is always hiding and often drools. Iā€™ve taken her to the vet many many times and sheā€™s received different meds. Will be ok fir a few weeks and starts all over again. She is a sweetheart but just canā€™t seem to figure out what is scaring her. Please help šŸ˜ž

  24. Thank you so much for this video (and all videos, for that matter)! I know it's quite an oldie but eitherway really useful! Our cat is very stressy. Mainly territorial stress. Unfortunately it's something we cannot do much about. We have many stray cats in our neighborhood and they all walk into our porch. We have tried spraying a fake-pee, we bought at the vet and ok…they stay away. But as soon as we forget, they're right back again. So…the result is a lot of pee from the inside of our front door by our cat, trying to "chase" them away. The only extreme solution we came up with just recently, is close off our porch. Which is so expensive…So we need to save money for it first šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

  25. What happens if they have had some of these indicators (over grooming, biting at themselves) since you brought them home and the vet(s) have not identified anything wrong with their health? šŸ™

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