1. I tried to watch Laura's live but stopped when she mentioned the fact that her old partner used to veer off subject constantly like she doesn't do that herself. I enjoyed hearing you both speak, but if I had to pick side conversations, would much rather hear about gardening and Snooter Sisters than the incessant boasting of wealth.

  2. I want to thank you stealth for responding to my comment tonight . I have tried to speak to you and Laura when yall was doing your thing but i guess i was block . But it was nice not being called a troll i myself enjoy watching your video's. So thanks again

  3. Diane, had to come back & watch the end of your stream. I enjoyed catching u live & found your stream very interesting all around. I was thinking about u earlier today & happy u went live. Just wanted to say have a nice weekend! Take it easy! 🥰

    P.S. Just FYI; years ago I worked for a man who lived in Palm Beach & had big $$$ as his assistant. After 2 years & getting to know the family well; I can honestly say they were the most unhappy people I know who constantly need material stimulation & that seeps into every part of their life. Grew up similar to what u describe & have realized $$ is necessary but not everything!

  4. Nice to see you on your own live. I grow lots of herbs, a big pot so my neighbour girls can help themselves when cooking. I have found through the years, parsley, dill cilantro like sun, but too much and they burn out. Those I put in shady sunny part of garden and they do ok. Your veg garden sounds great, it's fun to watch it grow. I always end up with so much so I trade off with neighbours. Hope you find your ride on lawnmower.

  5. Diane, it is amazing how our stories with our Mom's are so similar. I, like u have always been very close with my Mom. My Mom at 94 is completely healthy like your too. The one thing my Mom does is color & is keeps her calm along with. valium at "sun downer time.

  6. I really enjoyed your Live tonight. It was light and fun i also liked how you didn't put judgment for all US suffering and you were very compassionate and funny at the same time. You are a Great speaker

  7. Hi Stealthy!!Your video wont play right for me?Its frozen and a circle moving in the middle then a few seconds of playing and frozen again and on and on….Weird because i checked a couple others and they play so makes me think your video has a problem?Anyone else having this problem?

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