Mam regarding ectopic ques, ques was like this : which site of implantation will cause severe vaginal bleeding with no signs of rupture at 22 weeks of gestations. ? So ans is abdominal right?since not ruptured? Do clarify plz
Q13: GA-35weeks/ breech / pre h/o c-section , pt wants vaginal delivery.And they asked NEXT STEP of management? They why can't we review after 2 weeks …and give a TRIAL OF SCAR.
Amniotic fluid embolism there will be heavy bleed? there was specifically given heavy bleed in patient without any known history,a/c sakshi mam marrow she said there will no bleed,the patient will have respiratory failure and cardiac failure and go into shock.
Correction on the JSY Question. MP is a low performing state. So shd be 1000 rs for mother and 400 rs for the Asha worker.
Mam in 23rd question they asked after 1st trimester wat will you advice ?? Then y it can't be 300 throughout remaining pregnancy
Mam regarding ectopic ques, ques was like this : which site of implantation will cause severe vaginal bleeding with no signs of rupture at 22 weeks of gestations. ? So ans is abdominal right?since not ruptured? Do clarify plz
Anogenital wart low risk HPV ONLY?
Really appreciate all your efforts maam, god bless u!!!
Ma’am just awestruck by all your crisp explanations, loved it and yes looking forward for some conclusive evidence on VVF question too
Mam in Q14 cevical dilatation is <5cm was given
Q13: GA-35weeks/ breech / pre h/o c-section , pt wants vaginal delivery.And they asked NEXT STEP of management?
They why can't we review after 2 weeks …and give a TRIAL OF SCAR.
Thank you ma’am
I'm on Instagram as @obg_classes_by_drraina. Install the app to follow my photos and videos.
It was a nice recall, your inicet recall was also fantastic, me and my friends we're waiting for your video to come
Thank you
Why not IUGR…..why Dual markar is given then!!!!
Maam, MP is among low performing states
Maam is there any seperate app by you for obgy?
Amniotic fluid embolism there will be heavy bleed?
there was specifically given heavy bleed in patient without any known history,a/c sakshi mam marrow she said there will no bleed,the patient will have respiratory failure and cardiac failure and go into shock.
Looked like a rudimentary horn with unicornuate uterus
Nice explanation
I found OBG difficult
one of the best recall discussions so far with most detailed and precise questions. very impressive.
Also typo in Q21. It is uterine artery doppler.
ques 21: was the ques on utility of umbilical artery or uterine artery?
ques 26: madhya pradesh is low performing state not hps as per my knowledge
Thank u mam for discussing the questions