The Secret History of the War on WEED || 4/20 special || (one-shot, 2022)

In this video we will be going over, The Secret History of the War on WEED (one-shot, 2022) . Published by Images Comics.


  1. Man it brings such a huge smile to my face everytime you talk about your wedding/marriage now. Congratulations, that's awesome!
    I loved the Lizard People part of this comic, like of course πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    What's the top three favorite reads you have going on right now? Mine would be the new Carnage series, Spawn (and the spin-off/tie ins), and kind of cheating but the Amazing Spider-man run that just ended with Ben Reilly, just because I specifically really like Ben as a character, and what they did with this arc of him. I'm VERY excited to see where they take his story after this.

  2. I was asking myself, β€œwho other than a β€˜pothead’ has their wedding on 4/20?”
    Now I know… no one.
    Your channel is amazing to watch and listen to when I blaze.

  3. Smoke em if U got em! The history of hemp and the horrible social / economical stand the U.S. and other industrial giants took against hemp/marijuana was catastrophic. It was intentionally sabatoged in order to promote the paper milling industry as the only legal source. Marijuana cigarettes…
    Reefer made them crazy blah blah blah….
    As a combat vet, I can assure you, cannibus was the key to gaining control of my anxiety/ PTSD. Its mother natures cure. πŸ’¨πŸ»

  4. "There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz and swing, result from marijuana usage. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers and any others." By Harry J. Anslinger
    Laws on weed is definitely racist and it was because of this man and these Laws continue until this day.πŸ€”

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