What is CBD? Is CBD legal?

CBD #ondutycbd #legallyarmedamerica This is the first is a two part series to define what CBD is and to determine if we can use it …


  1. Different-ly. When ‘different’ is used as an adverb, rather than an adjective, you add an ‘ly’ to the end of it. ‘Think differently’ not ‘think different’. It seems that no one understands this, anymore; even older people who learned better in school.

  2. Ehh, yer still a pup yet. Many of our maladies come from lack of proper nutrition. As a consumer of CBD, it's not enuff. Food sold in stores today Don't nutrify your body. Supplement with Youngevity products and healing comes very quick. From Dr. Joel D. Wallach. His work is on display in the Smithsonian institute. 👍👍👍👍👍

  3. Hemp oil and cbd marijuana oil are different. Hemp is a weed on the side of the road. Marijuana has flowers (the bud) I recommend marijuana cbd. Get from a legit company, look up alchemy health and wellness. I was in the medical Jane market so I know what I'm talking about. Helped alot of people..

  4. I was wondering? Anyone notice how fast cbd was splashed across the country after the farm bill was passed. I takes time to make this oil.? Not to mention time to grow the hemp.? It's the drugging of America 🇺🇸!. It was planned all along.

  5. Very good to reveal all this. Very little known about quality of cbd. I didn't think FDA was involved because of government restriction. But cbd in and of itself was but now isn't illegal. Because of the farm bill. Thank you. I'll be rewatching this. Arthritis has found me. 😁.

  6. Love the channel but you no clue what your speaking about when it comes to kickbacks between the Pharma industry and physicians…You aren’t a healthcare provider so your speaking to what you “read” or “heard” in the media which is no different than the liberal who makes claims about guns and us gun people…Respectfully speak to the facts not what you heard because I tell you right now that your claim is false and makes no sense if you were a healthcare provider!!!

  7. The question I needed answered you mentioned will be answered in your next video, and I can't wait. It is terrible how much red tape hard working people have to go through just to take care of themselves and live better… Love this video and all the work you do, Paul.

  8. You can fail a drug urinalysis when taking Full Spectrum CBD that only contains 0.3% THC, It has happened to me. CBD is amazing and I wish that the testing would catch-up with the science of the day be currently we aren't there. Be careful and stay informed.

  9. IMO Drinking, smoking cigs, cigars, weed and vaping and taking CDC oils and even shrooms should be legal at the age of 21 in USA. This would help states make tax money, reduce the waste of money "fighting the war on drugs" and those who committed these "crimes" in the past have their records expunged now.

  10. I remember when they “legalized” marijuana in California and then the DOJ cross referenced all the firearms owners with the marijuana card database. Overnight these people unknowingly became prohibited persons and were told to surrender all the firearms they owned.

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