420 Burger! CBD Infused Double Wagyu Jalapeno Burger RECIPE

We celebrate 420 w/ a CBD infused burger! Two Wagyu Beef patties, pickled jalapenos, pepper jack cheese and a CBD infused …


  1. Ughhhhh all of your ingredients are so appetizing! Iโ€™ve used Cbd and did not notice any benefits, I may have not had the right oil. Or I need actual thc ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ I love you guys, so fun to watch!

  2. Always full spectrum it uses the entire plant which has all kinds of nutrients and benefits besides just extracting the cbd for the sake of cbd I too have an autoimmune disease that has severe inflammation and wrecks havoc on me as well as PTSD and severe anxiety and it helps as well as using medical marijuana.

  3. So glad that this works for you. I'm glad I don't need it. But if I would need it in the future you guys took away some fear I have towards it. Let's put it this way…I get a rush in my head from 2 paracetamol (the ones with coffeine in it). So I fear my brain will go nuts if I try that. Does it also help against pain from rheumatism? Because that's what I got.

  4. We can make that copycat here, no problem. Who's Nic Whitfeld? His music is pretty good! Sorry about the demonetization. I think we're going to try the Berry Beast sandwich this weekend at Knott's. Review will probably be up next week.

  5. Are you gonna do another discontinued food video? You killed that video and it would be cool if you made more food list type vids.

  6. You had me at 420… but seriously I quit 2 months ago and I'm still testing positive wtf. Month my ass. Now I've done my research it depends how potent it is how often u smoke and it sticks to fat glands so yeah strike 3 love u guys keep it up. P.s. my gmail was hacked so new account. And what was the name of your song on the end????? I'm digging it

  7. Was waiting for you guys to upload!! You guys never let me down l, love your videos. Just a suggestion and i mean to ofend no one, what do you guys think about doing a review of the last meal ordered by a serial killer that was on death row? Again, hope no ones gets offended by this, since you guys do food reviews i thought to add a bit of a twist to it.

  8. Wow! That burger looks absolutely amazing! My mouth is drooling over here. Thanks for the sample of your music. I love it, youโ€™re such a talented musician!

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