A Florida pot doctor talks about marijuana as medicine

Dr. Michelle Weiner is a South Florida pain doctor who prefers to prescribe her patients medical marijuana instead of opioids.


  1. Cannabis has been a huge part of my life since I was roughly 12/13 years old. I’m 27 now. Helps immensely with my ADHD, anxiety and depressive disorder. I quit smoking for four years to pursue a career in Crime Scene Forensics. I was never so miserable in my life.. I dropped that career path and now grow Medical Marijuana for dispensaries in Florida, for a living. Follow your heart. You have to try and enjoy what you’re doing every day. Smoke up, everyone. 🖤

  2. my self and my lovely husband was able to eliminate our deadly virus hiv with the help of DR AJAKAJA herbal remedies may God continue to protect you sir.

  3. Aye where my med stoners at I got Severe Ibs ptsd and Autism Chrinic Pain and Chronic Nausea been using Cannabis for 4 years in total it helps me a ton legalize it

  4. i think weed is a great thing for people but when kids start to do it and do it everyday and over use it then that’s when it becomes a problem because look im a kid and i’ve done it a few times i don’t over due it but some kids just don’t stop and when you don’t stop it could lead to debt buy spending all your money on it and other stuff it’s a harmless drug and i can’t wait to see it become legal because it does really help alot of people but you know damn well that kids are gonna come along and make it not legal just like vapes soon i guarantee that vapes will not be sold and vapes have helped alot of adults get off cigarettes and i gurnnatee that kids will start mixing the weed with other drugs and it will cause weed to be illegal again but yes weed is a very good drug to help with cancer and overall stressed out people who just need a quick escape from reality and really feel great

  5. Please don't let pharmaceutical industry to get involved, all they'll do is distort it. Leave the herb alone, people are using it whether legal or illegal, as it should be! We don't want no corporate corruption to come anywhere near it! Right now that they made it legal in some places, we are seeing them bring GMO marihuana seeds, which are unnatural and do have negative side effects and is harmful. All we need is Nature, God, to use this blessed herb. No one else!

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