That wasn't exactly a huge house and most of the cars were at the budget end of luxury and 100K euros of cash wasn't impressive. They caught some low-mid level guys.
In Romania, at the beginning of the 90s, the russian mob started to arrive. there was a secret police order that all the mobsters should be shot on the spot. no trial, no nothing. no more russian mob in 6 months
Karma is a b*tch Spain invaded Mexico long agoo and now my Mexican brothers are paying back the favour. Atleast they aren’t raping pillaging and wiping whole tribes out they just invaded with some nose candy.
It looks to me as if Spain is funding part of the sinaloa cartel activities because all of this could have been accomplished without sinaloa cartel. Alejandro cao de benos has spoken himself about the criminal activities he has going on with North korea including the manufacturing of methamphetamine.
These idiots are going to start a war with a country they can not beat. Spain will destroy Mexico. Mob needs to stop messing around, or pay that price. LIFE!
Pain in Spain. That rhymes very well but only poetic justice that the Mexican drug cartels now invade Spain to revenge the brutal invasion into Mexico by the Conquistadors.
Mexican invasion is a little harsh
Soon sinaloa cartel will take over sicily from the mafia.
watched a very convincing documentary that showed us how El Mayo was always the brains behind the Sinaloa cartel.
Crimes pays and pays handsomely apparently, just ask corrupt USA politicians about black budgets.
In your Destinationen Point i would Show IT in the universe map
I dont know until now why the verdict still not imposed to this MF
Mexico invades nothing Spain
is full of coke heads and drug users the problem is the people wanting to do drugs
El Mayo has always been in charge just that El Chapo always got a lot of media coverage
Still waiting for the Clinton connection.
Correction; Chapo was Mayos right hand man
Dirty Mex
That wasn't exactly a huge house and most of the cars were at the budget end of luxury and 100K euros of cash wasn't impressive. They caught some low-mid level guys.
He’s still the boss , I just got back from culiacan
They smart but dumb I would’ve done that whole lot different
How stupid cartel
In Romania, at the beginning of the 90s, the russian mob started to arrive. there was a secret police order that all the mobsters should be shot on the spot. no trial, no nothing. no more russian mob in 6 months
Two lads from liverpool england was caught in that house
Legalize the green everywhere. Its not that bad and your just funding your enemy.
Spain but without the S
Ironic. Mexico invading Spain. I've lived long enough lol.
Welcome money
Ahhh good ol corruption. Where would we be without you

Sinaloa leader here S1 . We demand u to take down news about us. If not we will get to u . U have been warned.
El mayo is not chapos right hand man its the other way around
No! No! No!! Not Spain?!
My ancestors must be turning over Thier graves! Seville, no no no!!
Karma is a b*tch Spain invaded Mexico long agoo and now my Mexican brothers are paying back the favour.
Atleast they aren’t raping pillaging and wiping whole tribes out they just invaded with some nose candy. 

Don't fight .gov. Only .gov knows what's best for you.
It looks to me as if Spain is funding part of the sinaloa cartel activities because all of this could have been accomplished without sinaloa cartel. Alejandro cao de benos has spoken himself about the criminal activities he has going on with North korea including the manufacturing of methamphetamine.
I remember seeing this and thinking Dam the vice reporters really snitched em out
These idiots are going to start a war with a country they can not beat. Spain will destroy Mexico. Mob needs to stop messing around, or pay that price. LIFE!
War on drugs can never end it employs to many people so y would anyone want to get rid of it
Great work and even better watch
Hmmmm very interesting
TMR well done and fair play
those spiked comms just keep on giving.
so stupid living in the open like that they didn't live on the low down never do this kind of stupid stuff big house don't. do this
You have to get on a list to buy Ferraris
Legalize all drugs! Sounds stupid but the cartels would be done ! People that do drugs will always get it ! End of story
Ahhh Spain….. yeah pot isn’t a problem
Pain in Spain. That rhymes very well but only poetic justice that the Mexican drug cartels now invade Spain to revenge the brutal invasion into Mexico by the Conquistadors.
These guys affect pretty much every nation on the globe, not just Spain. As long as there’s a demand for drugs, that’s just the way it’s gonna be.
Keep on selling weapons to mexican drug cartels…. uncle Sam creates the monster of cartels.
Once in its impossible to get them out Spain is poor and the young are desperate for money and power