The Secret To Finding Great Talent – Tyler Cowen | Modern Wisdom Podcast 482

Tyler Cowen is the Holbert L. Harris Chair of Economics at George Mason University, a columnist, podcaster, blogger and an …


  1. Chris, mate. It’s small and petty, I know. But while you’re over there, could you correct your US guests on the distinction between England and the UK. They need to know. It’s been a while

  2. 21:24 "Verkrampft" 😄 It means tense or strained in German. Germans are hard-working people but unfortunately their bureaucracy is excessive and suffocating and that's one major reason they won't have a start-up culture maybe with the exception of Berlin. Additionally Germany belongs to the countries in Europe that have the highest tax rates (mainly VAT, income tax, social security tax/social insurance contribution and corporate tax) and to make matters worse it has the highest energy prices.

  3. I worked my ass of the last 6 months to get 5 star reviews at my consulting agency to have HR tell me my asking price for salary is outside my levels bracket. Literally asked for the normal day rate for someone in my field and both managers apparently disagree but cant go against it.

    Seems like a great way to lose talent. Also I have no problem at all with women but the amount of micro managing females Ive had to work with alongside others who I believe are legitimately better equipped for the role is plain annoying.

    No longer will merit and hard work alone get you ahead in this clown woke world.

  4. He has too narrow a view of talent. If you've dealt with a few HR people their productivity spread is huge. If you watched enough people doing simple production work like putting doughnuts in a box, their productivity spread is also huge. The pressures put upon them usually means that manifests itself as some people working hard all day, while the talented have an easy time. You could, if course, motivate the talented to produce way above their quota.

  5. Regarding the 52m mark.. I get how the extreme pessimist would cash out when things are down, but why would the extreme optimist also cash out at that time?

  6. Interesting you've assess the UK as less creative – if I'm not mistaken, the UK has the highest or one of the highest concentrations of authors AND of musicians of any country in the world! Not to mention being the birthplace of a vastly disproportionate number of the modern world's most significant inventions – personally I think what your observing is a lack of confidence

  7. This is my first note in your podcast.
    So i will start with that i realy enjoy it. Yiu questions are very well prepare.

    Regarding your guest, I think he is a bit wrong.
    Fertility rate of uk in 21 is 1.61…much much below 2.1(replacment point).
    Creativity belongs to the youngs. When germany average age is 47 you will not have a creatve country(this is additional reason why fertility rate is important)
    Take peapole from poor non advance country it take at least one generation to take their native ,non western , cultur away. This is why fertility rate are important.
    If all you team will be creative , for example 10 out 10, you will never had any job done. You are under appriciate the good hard confomative workers. You need 1 maybe 2 creative out of 10.

    I have to give hin that thebidea of ending book diffrently is a nice Q.

    In the enjoy it 🙂

  8. Few things are worse than dealing with the hiring managers/HR sentries posted at a business' moat. I have found ways to get around them and it almost always paid off. The managers who really know what they need are almost always thrilled to circumvent the mindless bureaucrats.

  9. IQ is highly correlated to job performance. He said IQ is not really correlated to income (not true there is) but job performance is not exactly the same thing as income. All things being equal, IQ is the strongest predictor. Effective for low complexity jobs like Starbucks cashier, but extremely effective predictor for high complexity jobs like astrophysicists.

  10. The reason the UK and France have returned to replacement levels of birth rates is not because of British or French people. Its because the immigrant population has a much higher birth rate. Naturally this leads to a massive change in cultural dynamics which we will all see pan out. I fear these countries are already culturally lost to the anulls of time for this reason alone.

  11. Patriarchy in US more than in any other country? You must be watching a lot of fake media. Too many men in US have their balls in some woman's handbag

  12. HR does not do hiring or interviewing to choose the best. They process the paperwork once the hiring managers have made their pick. This man probably never worked a day in corporate world. Now ask me why hiring managers stick to bad methods of hiring

  13. Chris this couldn't have come at a better time man! Just had a great business idea today and my first limitting belief was: how do I hire loyal & responsible talent? Thanks for making this episode!

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