Making Weed Oil Without Blowing Up Your Home | BLACK MARKET S2

Michael K. Williams checks out a clandestine home lab that creates butane honey oil – a high-end weed product that can contain …


  1. Y’all don’t have to pay Mike because he’s passed on. So y’all post these videos now? Vice is one of the Liberal monsters using black ppl for clout

  2. butane cans contain propelents and lubricants, which can end up in your final product, don''t want to be smoking that.
    Butane hash oil made in an extractor that recycles clean lab grade butane is the only way to go

  3. I'm digging that TRUMP 2020 KEEP AMERICA GREAT Flag on the door !!!! Because we all know now that Biden and the racially condescending Liberal-Democrats have ruined America and put Americans last for their own ELITIST Agendas !!!

  4. His oil is dark becasue he grinds it up so much, you get a higher yield, but not enough to warrant making the oil a lower quality. And it is insane, that anyone with that large of an operation is "open blasting" it, just get a closed system and reuse the butane.

  5. "we don't go after the guy just paying bills or feeding their family, we look for the gold chains and escalades" – Friend in DA department

    Might not want to say your "not out here tryin' to get rich" with that chain man, hope you don't drive an escalade too…ALL BULLSEYE TARGETS!

  6. Lol I’ve done this inside before, didn’t even think about electronics or outlets, I did wait ten minutes before a cigarette though, safety first! And is that fuckn Tracey Morgan narrating?😂 I didn’t microwave it either, stuck it in some warm water and let it ride

  7. I’m sorry it’s gotta be something trace the Butane is leaving behind. Yeah I’m not consuming that cancerous shat.
    And What was the point of this guy exposing his situation on VICE?
    I would never blow my operations up like that…. No pun intended. But Vice is too big of an outlet. The clout chase be so real. This is likely not going to work out for him. 👀

  8. Dirty trim =dark product . No good , bad technique. I feel bad for his neighbors. The first time I blasted BHO it came out amazing. I used trim /nug from indoor OG kush . He also didn’t do a hot water bath to speed up the evaporation process. I laughed when he said he leaves it outside for a few hours . I can have entire process done in less than an hour

  9. This is so stupid. CO2 can be used to extract or butane can be recycled using more expensive equipment. If he keeps doing it that way he should definitely use a fan to prevent butane from concentrating.

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