Why All the Buzz About CBD? Samantha Miller / Green Flower CBD Summit

Why All the Buzz About CBD? Esteemed scientist Samantha Miller shows you what cannabidiol (CBD) is, why it’s so effective for a …


  1. 17:06 … plant surfaces contain the protective phytocannabinoids … they seem to gather more on the flowers than on the stalks and stems … Ruderalis Hemp varietals are made more for fibers / stalks/ stems and not so much for flower production . there are a phytocannabinoid acids adhered to the stems and stalks just not nearly in the concentration as on the flowers

  2. 11:30 – with enough pressure on CB1 via THC metabolism CB@ then becomes activated … people using high dosages of FECO will find that THC oil to eventually access cb2 ( Autophogy) … all that electron ionotropic cb1 firing needs to than be modulated via CB2

  3. Thaks for illustrating the layout and interactions of the endocannibanoid docking sytem and the natural effects of cbd and thc including prolonged thc w/cbd …all so interesting ! 🤔😊

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