"My Son Lied to You" – Interview With JWALLER's Mother

Julie Waller Richardson, mother of Justin Waller who is also known on his channel JWALLER, agreed to do an interview to tell her …


  1. Wtf have I just come across. This woman is giving off typical narcissism vibes. With the way Justin is and how he helps men this woman is jealous and a dead beat. I have similar parents and can smell her a mile away. She reminds me of Tommy Egan's mum from the TV show Power.

  2. This is disgraceful. Let J WALLER DO HIS THING YALL TRIPPIN FUCK OFF. He spends his days on YouTube to help young men. He doesn’t even need that LITTLE SHIT YOUTUBE MONEY, which shows he’s genuine. And yeah attention is power and money, but I’ve had a good read on ppl in my life. He’s a good dude genuine. Fuck off you Pussy tryna Get rich off his name and bringing his goddamn mother on shuffle so you pay her and then it’s like OK doesn’t it reinforce that she’s kind of a shitty mother.

  3. Dude are you really falling for this? Justin has climbed the ladder of life and stopped giving attention to his mom, hence she out of vengeance tries to pull him down now in desperation to get the attention. That's all this is. Put the blinders off and don't nod like a sheep at whatever she says. My assessment of the situation would be: Justin had a bit of a dissatisfying childhood due to his parents splitting up and being in conflict with another, he decided to become big in the world, he did, he outgrew his family, mother doesn't get as much attention as she used to and she fears that she lost him, now she makes the ultimate attempt to get on the internet to get him back in her life.

    I strongly encourage you to dive a bit into female psychology before you become the next Will Smith, nodding with anything whatever woman with whatever psychological issues or just merely from her feminine nature says in order to get what she wants. You're gonna absolutely get wrecked in life if you don't understand how women operate, through manipulation, psychology and emotion, to get what they want. I'm a bit surprised you don't, as apparantly you're in the red pill space, so you should be aware of this. Like all women will talk bad about their former men, regardless of true or not, don't you see that? Like really? You lack knowledge man. Women never, ever take accountability for anything that happens in their lives. Now, whether this is the case here we don't know, but man, if you blindly fall into that story without any critical thought, you really have a weak hole in your armor man. My educated guess purely on my intuition here is that his dad tried his best, he got cheated on and manipulated, and Justin saw that and it taught him deep life lessons about the raw nature of female nature. Now, it can be that his father did spread lies, I can't tell, but my intuition clearly tells me that this is a typical man/woman divorce and woman tries to wreck the man on all fronts type of situation, whether it's justified or not, probably just to put the accountability on him so that she doesn't have to take it herself. A good question you could've asked is what did you do wrong in the relationship with his father? Or what lies did he spread? 0 critical questions, disappointing. Dig a bit deeper and don't take what people say at face value, once again, don't wreck your life this way.

    Objectively speaking, I never really heard Justin talking overtly bad about his family or background whatsoever. Yes, he mentioned his mother cheating on his father, he mentioned feeling held back in the tiny town he came from, he mentioned coming from a relatively poor background, and that's really about it. It's really very basic stuff. Probably very factual from what I've gathered so far.

    Lastly, Justin has the quote ''suppression is often wrapped in love'' and I can understand now where he's coming from. It's not about condoning whatever lifestyle, I'm a Christian, but I do see how people hold each other down in a certain community and when one crab rises to get out of the bucket, the others try to pull him back. In all truth, someone balling out of control like Justin does mean many people in his past lose him to some extent, and I fully understand that's painful, especially for the parents, in this case the mother.

    I hope Justin and his mother can come together again and get into a good relationship. Wish you all the best and I understand the perspective of the mother too absolutely. There's just two sides to each story and it's not up to us to judge any of the perspectives.

  4. Honestly I feel both of them are narcissists. The son and the mom. Anyways, haven't even heard of this guy Jwaller till now. All ik is that he hangs with tate. Interesting channel as always came here since your hustler's university review. I love the channel man cheers

  5. 25:10 when asked about being promiscuous SHE LITERALLY SAYS
 “I was an exceptionally beautiful woman
and you know.. I was sleeping with everybody.”
    She NEVER says “no I wasn’t promiscuous.. that’s not true.”

  6. He has a relationship with his real dad. Go look at his Facebook. There are recent pictures of him and his dad. Go look at his Instagram. He has a recent video with his real dad.
 I am not his sister.

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