Nutrition and Cancer: Do’s and Don'ts

Cancer has a major impact on our society with approximately 1 in 3 adults in the U.S. diagnosed during their lifetimes.


  1. I must question why when in the hospital due to a cancer (3rd time over 26 years and this one result of radiation that was necessary) the food on the tray was ensure products that list corn fructose as the first ingredient. I couldn't make myself take it in bc I felt I was defeating all that my surgeon and nurses had done. Not to mention all the pain I went through. Who is making the decision at the hospital kitchen–there are other options–but ensure must be making it worth it to the hospital entities? Kickbacks perhaps.

  2. Yeah, I wish that I had been able to stop my mom from eating fast food. I took care of her for eight years and I wish that I had had her on a whole food plant based diet.

  3. The sun doesn't cause cancer. We've been exposed to the sun longer than we have been homosapiens. The food that we eat (especially the fat, such as seed oils which are known to be high in PUFAs) aids in how we absorb sunlight. Eat shitty and processed food, and you will burn a lot quicker.
    Early morning exposure to sun also primes your skin for the light of the day.

    Also don't stress so much. Stress seems to wear down the immune system significantly.

  4. I believe cancer is NOT produced by the body, it is introduced into the body. I do not agree with his method. We are being destroyed by fungus and Parasites. Soy will not kill cancers. Vegetables are fine but they are dangerous if not properly washed, fungus and Parasites thrive on unwashed vegetables.

  5. I was surprised that Dr. Abrams did not seem aware of the growing evidence that coffee consumption has a direct relationship with the reduction of cancer risk for individuals with diseased livers aka cirrhosis. He spoke rather cursorily about coffee but it’s becoming an established finding in this regard.

  6. "Cancer lover sugar. It doesn´t use oxygen for energy". Say what now? Since when do normal cells use oxygen for energy? They use oxygen to efficiently break down glucose for energy. Exactly like cancer cells. The whole ATP thing, remember?

    And if you don´t eat sugar but other carbs instead they´ll use the glucose the carbs get broken down into. And if all you give your body is ketones there´s no reason to assume cancer cells can´t use those.

    The reason you see that glucose go to the tumor in your scan is that cancer cells are very metabolically active and so require a lot of energy. They´re greedy for growth and whatever your energy source is they´ll take more of it than normal cells.

  7. The Most Important thing was not mentioned, which is no matter what diet you eat as long as you cook your food not only you change it's DNA but you kill most of the nutritions of the ingredients. The more it's cooked the less benefit. It's Only Logic. They never talk about the benefit of RAW VEGETABLE DIET which you get 100% of the benefit of your ingredients, which not only it's very likely that you get any cancer, but also many cancer patients whom have had cancer were cured by putting them on Raw Vegetable Diet and Pure Water only.

  8. I was a bit confused about Prof Abrams' comments about the 'vegan' diet and the Adventist mortality study. That study clearly showed that males eating a 'vegan' diet had the lowest relative mortality risk of all diet groups at just 72% of the mortality risk of male meat eaters. Women seemed to benefit less from healthy diets possibly because they already have significant protection from higher levels of oestrogen. In women, pescatarians had a lower mortality risk (81%) relative to meat eaters than vegan women. Taking males and females together pescatarians had lower total mortality risk relative to meat eaters than vegans This however masks the mortality advantage enjoyed by males eating a so-called vegan diet.

  9. This fellow doesn’t know much about nutrition and metabolism; I’m sure he’s on a huge salary; are all doctors is US so pathetic when it comes to theses issues?

  10. That was really great. There is so much conflicting advice out there about what is and is not good for you and your risk of cancer, but this really made a lot of sense especially because he explained what the foods did both good and bad to the body to put you at risk or protect you. I am going to include green tea and mushrooms in my diet now, among other recommendations! Thanks!

  11. Never ask a person who lives in an Ivory tower how to shop cheaply. Can't afford fish, you got to be kidding me. A can of sardines costs about $0.65 USD in Australia and slightly larger can of mackerel 425gm, 60% fish costs $1.50 USD. Dry beans cost about $3USD per kilo and I think cheaper in the US. As far as organic and all that stuff, just eat fruit and veges that aren't highly processed, frozen mass market produce is completely ok and cheaper than junk food. It's not about price it's about convenience and pleasure. Making excuses for people that it's too hard to avoid the frozen pizza and buy the frozen veges at half the price is just absurd, funnily enough preparing frozen veggies is about the same effort as the frozen pizza.

  12. Just came from my yearly physical. High cholesterol and border line diabetic from hypoglycemia since I was 17. Nothing changed. Obesity is being glamorized on tv etc. not right. Doctor said I was doing everything right but wanted all these tests done. No thanks. He said no one one knows what causes cancer but tests catch it sooner. Heart attack being fat and stress. Stress will kill you faster than anything in my opinion. Organic and gluten free. Mom died of ovarian cancer. Sister and I got hysterectomy’s. Brest cancer %13 so I’m not worried. BRC 2. Turmeric for inflammation. 10 years organic. Mom lived on puddings and survived cancer for 7 years. Sick but 7 long years. Probably with food in care centers they can’t get nutritional food. Doctors push too many pills.

  13. Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Sodium electrolyte blood plasma level affect metabolic respiratory performance and should be monitored during fasting or after chemotherapy. .. low electrolyte levels and a return to high glucose levels can trigger "refeeding syndrome" that can trigger a heart attack. Calcium needs vitamin D3 and K2 to be absorbed.

  14. The most affordable foods that are better for Cancer patients are not fruits but leafy vegetables like Kale, Spinach, Bok choy, Cabbage, and Dandelion leaves .. characteristic that makes them better ….low in calories, rich in minerals and vitamins, high in fiber,,, which slows down digestion and increases the efficiency of absorption of nutrients and vitarmin while at the same time promoting a healthy gut microbiome…fruits and any source of fructose is immediately metabolize by the liver and is not advisable for those with any form of diabetes, liver disease, or renal – kidney damage. Any form of glucose , that is carbohydrates, starch, and sugar will promote cancer growth AND can increase risk for a diabetic. Diet soda has no calories but it can fool to brain gut axis nervous system to push insulin/cortisol hormone levels up and thus put higher stress on the metabolism to seek glucose instead of burning ketones…. to burn ketones instead of glucose … a cancer patient needs to stop snacking between meals and need to fast intermittently to push the metabolism on a daily basis from glycolysis into ketosis… to stop cancer … a healthy Thymus gland is needed so enough T cells can support the destruction of cancer cells via apoptosis… to support a healthy Thymus glands – a diet needs to be rich in zinc to slow down the shrinking de evolved Thymus glands that occurs in aging… Aging of the Thymus gland will weaken the immune system to the point that the immune system will not be able to support apoptosis… Natural dietary sources of Omega 3 support cellular repair.

  15. obesity is a biomarker consequence but not the cause or contributor to cancer. Fat cells has a biological value AND unto itself fat cells are not the cause of inflammation. Increase size of adipose/fat cells is a side effect of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome but NOT the cause or trigger for it. Inflammation is the natural consequence of the biochemical messaging sub system of the immune system and not a dysfunction unto itself. Inflammation is a cellular response to pain – a physical reflex to danger. Pain is necessary to avoid things dangerous to sustaining life itself. Inflammation is a standard immune response for a biochemical dysfunction at the cellular level – due to pathogen infection or a bio chemical imbalance/poison – In metabolic syndrome this is due to biochemical imbalance that is cytotoxic – poisonous to cellular function. One way to clear a biochemical imbalance via diet aka digestive tract is to flush toxins out … the first line of defense is involuntary – being to vomit or for the gut to induce diarrhea. … the second line of defense voluntary – which is dietary fasting … fast growing tumor cells reproduce quickly using fast burning glucose or glutamine. Fast growing cancer cells cannot grow using ketones from fat cells..

  16. I think, people for whom organic whole crops, fish, fruit, and vegetables are not available need a recommendation on whether non-organic ones may serve as the next option compared to traditional non-whole food.

  17. I find this part quite conflicting.
    Mentioned those obese overweight, insulin resistant or diabetes are very high risk group but one of the first recommended diet are minimum 2 cups of fruits and lots of grains. These are all fructose and blood glucose end products.

  18. If you read this comment you gonna die from cancer, you know it, everybody knows it, that's your fate and nothing can't prevent that. Especially such laughable thing like proper food.

  19. Thank you, very depressing to mention obesity in USA and cancer .Ask Why ? People are responsible but what about education , food industry, medical industry,the cheep tasty ready made food which make it desirable and make it cost effective in time and money. Talking ,critiquing not,enough doing 33 countries move to invade Iraq, do you think those brains ca not fix the problems ? This is how money is made.

  20. Thank you. Feedback change policy for nutrition, go back to nature, change economy of making money from diseases and get money from health, prevention of diseases,greener ,fix the medical system to focus on prevention of diseases and promoting health as the present system of medicine is great for acute accidents and diseases.

  21. Another useless video, especially when he said that he loved carbs. It is verysad that we use epidemiology studies which have a low value as guide for our nutrition strategy. I am healthier since i have significantly reduced my carbs. Nutrition scientists only want to recommend the SAD diet.

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