Low-dose cannabis? It's more popular than you think | The Green Room

cannabis #lowdose #weed Welcome to the Green Room, our new video series that focuses on California’s cannabis commerce …


  1. I like this option. I grew in San Diego in the early 8o’s. The only grass we’d be able to get was Mexican brick weed. As the legal medical grade came out I found that the higher grade grass made
    Me VERY paranoid and in some cases gave me a LSD effect, I found it unpleasant and un enjoyable. So to have the option of a lower potency and have the benefits of pain relief and sleep is great for an old timer like me

  2. this is awesome for you guys! I live in a european country, where this is very illegal… I want to enjoy a joint but I’d pass out. If I want weed its always the strains with 25% or more THC the dealers are selling. so I always gotta go pipe. god we are so behind at times, cant wait for it to be legalised lol

  3. Someone say that low dose weed is popular because you have to buy more to achieve the same amount of high that you would get from just smoking high dose. I reserve my opinion and thus leave this debate to the Internet.

  4. Someone say that low dose weed is popular because you have to buy more to achieve the same amount of high that you would get from just smoking high dose. I reserve my opinion and thus leave this debate to the Internet.

  5. This is why i'm growing weed for myself for 7 years now. You only get here super strong weed to buy. You smoke something and you can't do anything properly anymore for half a day, this is b……t. I want to be able to smoke before going out or doing whatever and not having a couch lock of hell with even being unable to have sex. 🙂

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