1. There's a problem with heroin and meth and narcotics, regulate weed and you still dont get it off the streets but what you do is raise the tax prices on it making it more difficult for legitimate medical patients to get their M E D I C I N E

  2. Trying to test somebody for marijuana in their system is a very risky thing when this becomes legal. Cannabis can stay in your system for up to three months and if a police officer tests you they need to establish what an acceptable range of having it in your system is so you will not be convicted with a DUI or DWI. Otherwise more people will end up getting marijuana convictions because if I smoked a month ago you pull me over today it’s still going to show up.

  3. So plants to be allowed to be grown “ONLY” inside homes? Why not be allowed to be outside? The cost of energy to grow something naturally came from outside. Why not be allowed outside????? As long as it can’t be seen?!! Come on man

  4. Nonsense, I don't need a machine to tell if someone is drunk or using cannabis, give me a break.. Let it go already, the people that use cannabis are already using cannabis! Not much would change outside of the paranoia of getting caught with it…I would prefer my loved ones to use cannabis rather than pills and alcohol ….. I still don't know how man ever got the power to tell another man they can't use a plant…

  5. Just grow your own tired of the medical scam. Ohio doesn't have a choice but to go full rec with they way the law is written on a controlled substance if goes legal federally next year.

  6. what about Alcohol substance ABUSE? Alcohol has caused more deaths, accidents, health problems how many people have died from cannabis? if we can't get support from the law makers then we will just vote for people who will support the bills simple

  7. I need HELP because SATAN attacks my message. You FEDERAL agent is 'pushing' me away from FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, because you TERRORIZE me.


    It is so sad I returned from death and had to relearn life to battle this.

    Everything I do is for GOD because HE returned me for this mission.


    ~ HEAL EARTH ~ I was returned from death with a message from GOD;

    EARTH can be restored so why is CARBON CAPTURE so FEARED? ~ GROW 2 SAVE EARTH.

    Growing HEMP / CANNABIS will restore the 'atmosphere' while rejuvenating the 'soil' while creating FUEL, biodegradable plastics, housing. It will heal humans boosting the ECONOMY saving EARTH.


    I am being CYBER ATTACKED because of this; – I had FACEBOOK send me INTERNET pages to fill out with my story of how THC saved my brain from OXYGEN DEPRIVATION when I wrecked my H/D with no helmet and died. I had many message me asking if I lived there because it was seen logging on WORLD WIDE.

    GOD please make the FEDERAL agent stop TERRORIZING my WI-FI / COMPUTER at router CenturyLink4347.

    Just what are you FEDERAL agents in KALISPELL MONTANA trying to do ?

    I have been trying to tell the world that THC has been reconnecting my ENDOCANNABINOID SYSTEM that is healing my 5.5 brain injury. Words means nothing so I give this;





    There is a very special temper with no 'oxygen' at 3500F for 100 hours that TRANSITIONS. Copper melts at 1800F.

    I do this to 'prove' that THC has been healing my 5.5 brain injury.

    ~ ENDOCANNABINOID SYSTEM ~ look it up ~

    There are 'shells' that are around ATOMS that a special 'boil' shatters, creating 50 more atoms. In nature it was QUARTS that melted covering metals absorbing shattered 'shells' that created GARNETS / SAPPHIRES. ~ Quarts is a TRANSITIONAL crystal.

    I ask in JESUS name, amen. – TAX $$$$$ PAID TERRORIST

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