Sebring's DIY CBD Comfort Cream Recipe

Sebring, of -Sebring CBD-, shows you how they make their CBD Comfort Cream, providing a full recipe, mixing instructions and …


  1. Since there is a certain for-profit company that has repeatedly attempted to spam my comments, we should definitely discuss why their product is inferior and why the pain relieving formula I teach in this video and sell online, is far superior for pain relief & your finances!

    It cost $20 for one of our 1 oz transdermal creams. WB wants $40 for a 1 oz topical cream. The price points alone are a strong indication as to who is placing a priority on you and who is trying to price gouge you just to make a profit off of patients.

    Let's continue by comparing the number of ingredients in each product.
    Sebring's formula uses five (5) ingredients:
    Shea butter, mango seed butter, olive oil, CBD isolate, DMSO.
    This short list of ingredients creates a product that is hypoallergenic, will not clog your pores and is effective to use for any type of subdermal pain.
    Many patients have reported using it with exceptionally good results for extreme neurological pains, deep tissue muscle pains, and even extremely difficult to treat pains like endometriosis.

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