‘We don’t welcome those tourists’: Thailand’s health minister discourages weed-smoking visitors

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  1. Now Cannabis selling in Thailand beverage drinks , in junk food, in hawkers stalls food.
    I afraid to eat Cannabis in Thailand meal.
    Praying Thailand stop selling Cannabis in commercial beverage and foods.
    I am Buddhist.
    I don’t need Cannabis to Calm my Mind.
    Buddha stop ✋ any drug and alcohol drinks in precepts .

  2. Just like pine tar, cannabis will attract spiders and insects. Too much use will heath bites and parasitic anesthesias.

    The study is not in full force due to the nature of follicle bacteria and the chemical make up of deteriorating entomology.

    The isn't much I can do since bile is key to resetting a life cycle of a natural food chain.

    The precautions are humanoid isolation and sociological mental dementia.

  3. Communication was badly managed.
    There were commercial cannabis-based products in stores and street stalls even before the authorities said it was for only for therapeutic purposes.

  4. I Agree with therapeutic strictly controlled use for some categories of patients.
    I strongly Oppose the commercialisation and promoting of recreational use and business.

  5. Anutin has repeatedly expressed his racism against western tourists publicly during these last years.

    Politicians should be careful about what they let out of their mouths because they can foment hatred between peoples.

  6. I believe if it’s not hurting anyone or business why do you care? People should be able to do as they please do long as it isn’t harmful.

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