1. I started smoking at 19 the picture of me on here is when I was 19 right before I started, been smoking for 5 years straight went from 180 pounds to 125, I’m on my second week sober, making gains again, idk why I did it in the first place i literally had model contracts and was doing bodybuilding competitions and left all that just for some green, I’ll get it back though and I can’t wait.

  2. This is amazing brother, very motivating, screams self discipline and self control 🚀,

    I have a question bro, during your withdrawal stages did you experience any cognitive symptoms while coming off, eg memory issues, difficulty processing information during conversations, issues articulating thoughts ? forming new thought patterns ?

    I really like to hear your withdrawal story, maybe covering the cognitive and physical aspects of your withdrawal, it’s good to hear that significant side of your story, as people are on that significant part of the journey.

  3. Bro, you doing a great job, but one thing I must say everybody’s metabolism is different and if you’re working out, the THC is actually at a higher level and is released into you’re body fat it also depends on how long you’ve been smoking and also what type of weed you were smoking if you were smoking that loud loud which some of them contain up to 27, 28,29% THC or even more you could be sure that it will take at least 90 to 120 days before you will come up clean go buy yourself a marijuana home drug kit they sell them here in the US at the dollar tree store. Not sure if you have those in Canada but just check and if they do test yourself, I guarantee you that THC has not been pushed out your body yet especially if you’re working out every day anyway good luck on your journey stay positive stay drug-free I’m going on 18 months after smoking for over 25 years and I’ve only took maybe five tolerance breaks at three months and six months intervals

  4. Respect pal.

    It took me 2 months to get the filth out of my system. I foolishly believed I would be able to feel the difference in days.

    Thankfully I stayed the course and came out the other side, clear as a bell.

    20 years later, the smell knocks me sick in seconds.

  5. Great job bro. The best drug is WINNING! Create a game for yourself and get wins everyday. I’m 31 days clean and the hardest part for me has been addressing the mess I created while I was high/delusional. But overall I’m just grateful to be where I am and free from dependency.

  6. Smoked multiple times a day EVERY day for years. Last year I quit and made it 13 months and also quit drinking. This year I went to an old Friend’s July 4th bash and ended up breaking that sobriety. Smoked a Joint and got blasted. 13 months sober, one relapse and I was immediately back to my old ways. I’m on day 3 now and the withdrawals are hell. I’ve already done this, I know what the benefits are. THANK YOU for these videos reminding me what I lost by relapsing for 3 months. Looking forward to that clarity at 30 days.

  7. I got my bottle and I remember you saying you drank so much water. I'm on day 10. Heavy toker, Connoisseur consumer. Like you. : ). Any way you could do a BEFORE and AFTER? – these are so powerful! Your skin and eyes look really crisp!

  8. I'm at day 2 right now after damn near 20 years of heavy daily smoking without ever taking a tolerance break. I know it ain't much, but it's a start. Like you, I always smoked the loudest, strongest stuff from the best growers in Canada and it was a real passion for me, everything revolved around getting blasted and getting stuff no one else could get. Just the thrill of copping was as addicting as smoking.

    I had thought of toning it down and even quitting for a while now, but never did anything about it. What did it for me was while sick with Covid for the first time last week, the first thought that came to mind was "man I can't wait to start smoking again". Straight-up I was thinking like a junkie and that made me quite upset with myself, made me realize I had taken this getting high thing too far. I wasn't excited about seeing my friends or getting back on those mats doing BJJ, I was more excited about smoking a giant Backwoods after coughing my lungs out for a week. Feeling disgusted with myself, I figured enough was enough and decided to give it up.

    Thanks for making videos like this, I find it real motivating and hopefully will make it easier in the long run.

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