Medical Marijuana? Fuggetaboutit. I got Marijuana Marinara!!

Funny videos — try not to laugh, smile or grin while watching comedian Vic DiBitetto. Please share and don’t forget to subscribe to …


  1. They put some of this same places all over Toronto one is no more then 200 meters from our Church disgusting even The Don would not have allowed that.

  2. Right from, "you're a little short." until the end, I was in tears! I have to find some, "Gaga!" I need to go to the guy you go to. "Two dollars." The price is right!

  3. Here in Michigan we went legal 2, 3 years ago I was AMAZED that it passed. I used to be WAY against it when I was younger but pretty much have done a 180. I can’t do it because of my job but when I retire “I gotta get a guy!” 😉😂 My hometown there are dispensaries EVERYWHERE. Just read online (what used to be our local paper) an article that called one strip in our town is nicknamed “The Marijuana Mile.” 😂😂😂

  4. The Tony character is to funny Vic! I'm glad that New Jersey now has recreational marijuana legal now and I'm glad more states are legalizing it in some way. Tony Gaga was probably stoned in this one 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂.

  5. Just spit my beer all over the floor hey Tony get me to the guy and give me to the guy to get me to you I need a little doozy boys fa two dolla that’s a better price than the guy I know who gets it from a guy he knows love you Vic

  6. The subliminal word play
    Why do you watch me?
    How does everyone know me?
    Its because I'm god's ambassador on earth? Chosen. Not by choice.
    I think I'm going to be a thorn in your side. Not by choice. Hell no. Its gods decision. Death don't come easy for me. Better to not have existed.

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