TBN! The Vapers VS Parade Magazine | Anti Science Hogwash

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  1. I'm 62, been vaping for 10 years. I have enough mods, tanks, VG, flavours and NIC to last me for about the next 20 years. So, I don't really care if they ban vaping all together. However, I'll never stop fighting for the freedom to vape.

  2. 15 days smoke free …. already off nic flavours into fruits and desert flavours. havnt touched one smoke. sold my old packs. Ex heavy tailormade smoker 50 plus a day. gone from 12 to 8 mg nic and some zero nic thru the day. SUCK THAT FDA. ( SMOKED FROM AGE 16 TO ALMOST 54 YEARS OLD) Tried hypnosis zyban champax patches lozengers and nicotine gum ..all failed.

  3. In the UK we have shandy Bass…while in school we got excited but soon discovered we'd be weeing out the alcohol before we even thought we felt anything 🀣

  4. serious question. Are you willing to sacrifice housing, ladies rights, lqbt* rights, police reform, drug reform, scotus reform, insider trading reform, for wild berry vapes? i followed you for years,,,and was turnt away, by not your attitude for vape freedom, but your willingness to go with the single voter (vapes) issue. i like you. i like your shows…but in the end,,if i have to wait for and extra year to get vape reform, to have the others ill trade it in a heartbeat. i love my mods,,,i miss the old days (which will return), but i can not support those who would damage progress for the sake of and single issue. im not pro life, but im not a single issue voter, im not anti legalize drugs, but im not a single issue voter ect….i ask cause i have a hard time turning away from your messaging…but i cant but not because of your single issue stance….just curious..on a short question…lol have a good one nick……

  5. Maybe parade magazine is just trying to use reverse psychology lol tell ppl vapes bad then they'll go buy the vapes we promote n we'll make lots of money 🀣

  6. My aunt has COPD n her doctor told her that vaping was worse for her bc something about the oils sticking to her lungs n so she went back to smoking.. breaks my heart…

  7. I had a whole debate with a friend of mine the other day bc she actually believes vaping is worse than smoking…it's ridiculous and my heart breaks bc she believes all that junk n is back smoking bc of it ..

  8. I'm a parent n I'd much rather find out my kid is vaping than smoking, not that I condone kids vaping, I don't, but it's better than cigs n many other things kids are doing these days..

  9. For me to maintain my current nicotine use level I would have to eat 144 krave nicotine gummies per day. That would cost 300 dollars a day. This is not a habit maintaining substance. Lol. Does the FDA even think at all about what they do?

  10. I read some dr's saying nicotine blocks spike protein receptor sites in cells. Other reports only 2% of people admitted to h o s p i t a l s with c19 were nicotine users.

  11. Man this was a great TBN.. So much asinine info and garbage sewer studies out there. I'm so tired of it and having to defend my choice to quit smokign with vaping. I will forever vape and defend it, but man its exhausting. I've saved a dozen links from the UK and a couple that are actual good studies from the US and I just share those now in defense when people start talking fake studies and science and glantzation proclamations. Keep doing what you're doing, Nick. This had a great balance of all things minus Danielle, who was missed but life does that to us sometimes!

  12. So I'm guessing ur not much of a "car guy" then? Lol…it's funny hearing u talk about it bc I know too many "car guys" n it's a different view point on the whole thing that's for sure lol..

  13. @1:50:38 this is exactly why you are such a blessing to our community, former smokers & public health. when everyone who isn't involved in the vape community gets nothing but misinformation, smokers are not equipped with the proper information on legitimate options to quit. you immediately relayed factual information, kindness & love to someone who can benefit from it.
    whenever you doubt yourself, know that you are a blessing to many

  14. so my personal experience with COPD and vaping would be i still sweat like pig extremely easily, i still cough up fluid that builds up in the scar tissue in my lungs. thats basically it for the negative, the positive my breathing is no longer extremely shallow and restricted and i breathe infinitely easier than i have in over 10 years, i have more energy and im much more active.

  15. i developed COPD a few years before i quit smoking, i was a dual user for a year and a half and FELT the improvement after the 1st couple months.
    im now 6 months cigarette free entirely and ive never felt better, i still vape and have plans to cut out nicotine entirely due to silly clown taxes in canada. vaping shattered my habits picked up from smoking 2 packs a day for 20+ years and it took less than a year to break my oral fixation/habit of holding a cigarette and using my hands constantly. i dont even need a "wake up cigarette" 1st thing in the morning, it feels very liberating.

  16. The only REASON the vaping industry is getting squashed, money. Bottom line. Sad to see all the ignorance about this. Literally everything else is just blah blah bullshit. The tobacco and pharmaceutical industries are behind all of it, backed by the corporate government that will make billions from banning vaping. Just like the FDA’s funding, over half of which comes directly from the pharmaceutical companies, who by the way will lose money if more people stop smoking.

  17. I have been vaping for 13 years, it took me 3 weeks to move over to ecigs.
    I was in hospital πŸ₯ for 6 months – the oxygen in my blood was πŸ’― % thanks to vaping.
    I don't get colds anymore πŸ™‚

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