(11.13.22) Sunday Brunch HCRV & Tarot Card Blitz!

Time Stamps 0:0 Greetings and Salutations! 8:25 HCRV The Seizure of Mega-Yachts and Robert Mueller’s Promise 16:20 The …


  1. I was Told from Every Psychic Dems. Would Get The House and Senate, Now It appears The Dems. Get Kevin McCarthy Foaming at The Mouth To Take Away Our Social Security Medicare, And Medicaid, If We Are To Win and Get Rid Of Kevin McCarthy Who is Now Elected How Would Our Winning Play Out?? It sure Doesn t Look Like It I'm Debra Hancock, Husband is Also On Social Security, From Salem Oregon and Now Freaking Out, I Just Looing For Some One To Talk Me Off The Edge, I also Have An Elderly Cousin On Social Security, Were Also Jewish Too

  2. Asking you in your capacity as a naturopath (and out of genuine interest!): Arent all these vegan β€œsubstitutes” highly processed foods, and arent those the main culprit in American ill health, meat or non-meat aside?

  3. What about the plant medicine you were talking about? You said you had used some plant medicine. Are you saying that was a one off… it didn't seem like you were so against in as you were today. What do yuou mean self destruct? I am so confused are for using plant medicine or against it? It seems like there is a stigma about plant medicine. Some even say if you use, you should not even read tarot :/

  4. What it feels like is going on in the international community is a crackdown on organized crime once again. It seems like every 40 years or so, we go through this. In the early 80s it was Sicilian mob families here in the states. Now it's getting rid of dirty Russian oligarchs. The battle of good and evil is Neverending, and we must stay vigilant against it. Robert Mueller was right about many things. Most of which he was right about was putting unregistered Russian agents in jail (Flynn, and Bannon) for lying under oath. As Bruce Willis character in The Last Boyscout says, "Watch out for Satan Claws Jimmy, because he's out there and he's only getting stronger." Stay ever vigilant against those who would do us harm.

  5. Hi Whimsy. I hope you're doing well. The Republicans thought there was going to be a big red wave. What they didn't know is there was a Big Blue Tidal Wave🌊, headed their way. But by now I would imagine they know that the Big blue tidal wave🌊 has hit overcome their Red Wave.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜΄πŸ˜΄πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜΄

  6. Thank you for these β€œSalon Sundays” you and the community are lovely company on Sundays β™₯️β™₯️ And your remotes and readings are my new news!πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

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