Baba Harare bho. Vangani vedu vachiri kunyatsorangarira jiti. Headline yanyaya pazvigure. Musoro wenyaya uri pa jit. Marketing strategy ye album launch..we will be there pa Jongwe corner ipapoβ¦.
Foolish zimbos, you go through the comment section unotowana someone dissing someone coz he embraces his culture, yet the culture you are bragging with might not be yours or you might not be informed about it as he is with his. You only accept your own if an outsider approves, so stupid.
Father city in his yard
I never used to listen to this man. But, I now realize his talent. He is very humble and unique. Passion Java iduzvi rekumama
kkkkk haa uyu anorwara uyu
Enock gule haabudiwe zvekumhanya kkkkkkk ndabva ndafunga enock wavalembe kkkkkkk
Izvo matwins here lol
Takajaira kuona zvimwe zvigure zviya zviya kkkk
Had zvigure zvobva ku Malawi
Eish these fake yellowbones wearing red hat
Jity family well done
uyo arikuridza mbarure ahaagone ndomukunda aaaah
Bale the camera man
Baba Harare bho. Vangani vedu vachiri kunyatsorangarira jiti. Headline yanyaya pazvigure. Musoro wenyaya uri pa jit. Marketing strategy ye album launch..we will be there pa Jongwe corner ipapoβ¦.
Uuu pazvigure manje
originality always shines through at the end of the day
Ndeipi ko iyi futi baba harare yamakuita futi
The zrp will think there are protesting
Foolish zimbos, you go through the comment section unotowana someone dissing someone coz he embraces his culture, yet the culture you are bragging with might not be yours or you might not be informed about it as he is with his. You only accept your own if an outsider approves, so stupid.
Even Satan can be humble,if it means he can get you into Hell.