1. Wow, I am amazed with every video I watch from you. Attention to detail is king when doing tutorials,. Look me up, I do other things that I haven't done in a while. But there fun to watch πŸ™‚ watching your videos has inspired to do more vids ') thanks man!

  2. I will sometimes make this with my trim. I had a slab of Carmel colored oil on a parchment. It weighed like 40 grams. I layed it on my coffee table and fell asleep. When I woke up it was gone. Had my entire family ripping the house apart looking for it. Well the cat walked by and the entire slab was stuck to his ass. I was so bummed. The cat walked around with hash stuck to his ass all summer. We couldn't get it out. I was so bummed. Everytime I make that stuff it turns out different. That time it looked amazing. Never even got to try any. I know the cat was buzzed from licking it.

  3. Just put on stove ….my wife had a burner on..to sit in water ….it blew… I'm running w flaming pan outside…I blew on it…got worse!! I tossed some water on it!!!!got worse!! I just let it sit…best if whole process is done OUT SIDE!!!!! BURNED MY DAMN ARM….. Everything is groovy….this stuff is great!!!!!! Happy SAFE new year!

  4. Merry Christmas MB and Johnny. Great video and nice looking oil .
    Stay warm and safe specially with this cold nasty weather we have been having.

  5. Hi Johnny and master blaster merry christmas πŸ˜„πŸŽ„πŸŽβ„πŸŽ… please be carefull with the vapors coming from the ethanol it's best to do it outside with a ventilator directly pointed at it to blow the fumes away. Even a spark from putting the light on in the garage can start an explosion.

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