Dog epilepsy

Our dog Toby had another Epilepsy seizure tonight. It’s been almost seven weeks since his last one. This turned out to be the first …


  1. So terrible. Our beagle has cluster seizures.. we changed his food to eliminate red dyes, divided our yard to protect him from his habit of chewing walnuts and we still have him on phenobarbital and keppra.. even medicated, he has breakthrough seizures about every 2 weeks .. it's so hard to watch them and feel so helpless.. we also give him a small syringe of white karo as soon as he takes that big deep breath after a seizure.. it helps bring their blood sugar up and brings him around quicker . Keep hugging him. He can feel we are with them.

  2. if this is any comfort as somone living with this having one simply feels like your unconcious like if you were under for sugery you pretty much experience complete nothingness then sorta wake up its not painful while having one or anything just very confusing when you come to also it does feel like your out of breath when your out of it as you can probably see by the dog panting abit there

    what im saying is it looks a lot worse from somone watching than what it actualy feels like

  3. When I was a kid, my dog had epilepsy and it would break my heart until the vet told me dogs are resilient creatures and continue after the seizure like nothing happened. She lived over 15 years. Cheers to your big boy.

  4. This is so scary. My little Maltese buddy of 13 years had to be put down last week due to kidney stones that poisoned his lil body so bad. He too had epilepsy and would have grand mal seizures in my arms. It was terrible to watch and killed me! But, I had finally found a medication that stopped them. Thank God! His last months were less painful. RIP my little buddy Shiloh. Mommy loves and misses you!!

  5. @colinburtonplays get that doggy on a more raw diet. Let them eat bones from raw carcasses . That dogs needs remineralization of its brain .. it will help

  6. Poor chap…I remember when I was 14 years old and I did my work experience at a dog kennels, and this happened to a springer spaniel I was walking through the yard it was absolutely awful experience…God bless to you all.

  7. I had a pup that suffered from epilepsy. When I discovered the how bad most dog foods are that I was unknowingly feeding my dog, I was appalled and upon switching to much better kibble, it did help. I think CBD oil might have helped in his case if I were aware of it. I also became aware that many of the vaccines for dogs can have dangerous ingredients in them that should not be in those shots

  8. My lovely wee cavapoo has started having seizures. The vet told me I shouldn't hold him cause sometimes they bite by accident. But I hold him tight and keep telling him Mummy's here you're going to be okay. I'm positive it makes the seizures quicker and milder and when he comes round he won't stop kissing me so I'm sure he was aware I was with him. 💕

  9. Poor dear😢my dog had canine epilepsy and he passed back in 2017 of unrelated issues. I’m so very sorry you and your boy have to deal with this. You are being so gentle with him, very well done!

  10. Aww so sorry 🥺 my little buddy monster had this condition and it’s all I could do for him was hold him until they stopped. He was a little guy and if I kept his blood sugar levels higher he would not have as many. That was a trigger for him. I hope Toby’s get better bless his heart 💔

  11. My miniature poodle bandit goes through this
    Diet and/or stressors can trigger it in him and we have to hold him upright or else he'll throw himself all over the place and might bang his head

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