EEG RESULTS | Epilepsy | Fan Mail

EEG RESULTS | Epilepsy | Fan Mail The EEG results are finally in! Is her epilepsy getting worse, staying the same, or getting …


  1. I've recently found your family videos and am in love with you all. I wasn't going to comment because everyone is different but I wanted to share our experience with epilepsy with our daughter. She wasn't diagnosed until almost 11 when her grand maul seizures began, however, hindsight showed us she had been having absence seizures her whole childhood. Unfortunately, for our daughter her seizures became worse as she grew older. The good news is, she is now 33 and although she is considered a critical epileptic, the CBD oil added to her regular medications has stopped her from having 4-7 grand maul seizures a week to 1-2 in a 6 month period. The best thing we did for her at a young age, was get her a service dog, because when she would have a grand maul seizure, she would fall into anything near by and has been hurt pretty badly on many occasions. The dog helped her recognize a seizure coming and she would get to a safe place. In turn, the dog also helped her, as she grew older, to recognize certain changes, such as smell, slight headache, tiredness, etc. within 1-2 hours before a seizure came on, so she can plan accordingly. Today, she is an amazing young woman, living a great life, she has her Masters degree in teaching, a great boyfriend and is just a happy woman. I pray Aurora grows out of this, but just know, if she doesn't, it's manageable and life doesn't have to be difficult. Once our daughter learned that with her type of epilepsy, she had to be on a strict schedule for taking her medications (for instance, if she was even an hour late taking them, she would inevitably have a seizure at some point that day} so she has several alarms set to make sure, no matter where she is, or what she's doing, she takes her medicine on time. The CBD oil was the added key to allowing her a more normal life. Just wanted to share.

  2. After you get meat cooked and browned and drained…put everything separate,side by side in big bowls…then bottles of dressings and sour cream and serve buffet style…and let them each make their own salads…their way…and that will be less of a hassle for you trying to please everyone…

  3. Please hold off on vaccinations if she is having seizures. I know many parents that stopped the vaccinations after getting seizures, and many of them were able to out grow them. As a baby, I had a seizure from the DTP shot, and I am grateful that they were not giving all these vaccines when I was a baby, because I probably would have never made it. Back then, the left out the pertussis in the DTP shot, if a child had seizures, but they are not doing that any longer. Some children are extra sensitive to vaccines and have serious reactions. .

  4. I know what it's like having Epileptic Seizures, cause I have had them since I was 12yrs old after suffering a severe head injury.
    And being a parent, I can just imagine how hard it is to see her having her seizures..
    But I have a 26yr old son from my 1st marriage & he is so scared that something is going to happen to my during a gram Mal- seizure & all I can do is reassure him

  5. I’m so happy that Aurora is doing better! Not going to lie, I started tearing up when I saw how happy the siblings were when you told them the good news. You have such a loving, and supportive family and are raising amazing people!

  6. I'm so glad Auroras seizure activity is improving. I am 30 yrs old and I've been seizure free since the summer of 2007. It was scary. And I hated scaring my mom into thinking I was dying. I'm so glad that she no longer has grand mal seizures, those are pretty nerve racking. Love watching your videos and watching how your handling auroras seizures. Pretty inspirational:)

  7. When I watched the video the first time, I thought to myself I want to eat what Aaron cooked so today I made it and watched the video again.. it was fun eating with you πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  8. Growing up seizure were something have seen in movie,sometimes they taught about in school and something have never taught would become a part of my life. Fortunately, I did not many years. I was able to graduate from high school and start college at Vanderbilt University. However during my freshman year I began to have what was eventually diagnosed as simple partial seizures up to 20times a day, I would start blinking rapidly and hear strange noises. This seizure was often brought in by loud sounds such airplane flying overheads or starting a hair dryer. After several test including PET scans, CAT scans etc . I was diagnosed with Epilepsy and after trying several different medications, I found one that controlled my seizure when I was going through YouTube and I read alot of blogs where people who shared their testimonies kept mentioning Anti seizure Herbal medication. I searched for a website I just followed the email address Dr. Joy , that was shared on the testimonies; I got lucky when I got a reply from doctor and I followed her instructions and used the herbal medication in not less than two months I was already cured because of the changes I was seeing within a period of 5month , I was cured totally forever. I went back to my neurologist I was checked up and marked Epilepsy free. If you need her help you can contact the herbal doctor through her email and WhatsApp connection is 08116004247…

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