Gov. Andy Beshear Signs Executive Order Legalizing Medical Marijuana For Eligible People In Kentucky

Gov. Andy Beshear (D-KY) signed an executive order on Tuesday legalizing the possession and use of medical marijuana for …


  1. I'm glad he legalized it but health care isn't a right. No one has a right to someone else's labor. It would be nice if everyone had everything they need but that's not how it is

  2. I love 6:08! This is going to turn up the heat on those ignorant Indiana Congressmen who are still anti marijuana. Indiana is now completed engulfed by a bunch of states with legalized medical marijuana.

  3. You are just liberal Scum. PEOPLE They want you addicted to drugs. Therefore they can control you just look around. A lot of small towns in Kentucky the youth are now addicted to drugs this is just a way for the government to make money and control.

  4. Just sucks its not in state and if we werent subject to the expensive ass Illinois recreational menu and limits. Its an hour to my closest dispensary almost $300 for half zip of flower and not even that good of quality either. Its a good start though better than nothing. And the fucktards in the state GOP already talking about suing to block this.

  5. Pot is everywhere and always has been,these politicians better get on the bandwagon or get run over by the communists on this issue pot is a benign substance leave it alone!

  6. If it’s true .. Look this is literally life changing . It’s a felony if it’s not legal , it should be legal, it’s the best, and it makes things and people seem that way, also no pothead is out here stealing, fighting, and murdering. Oh no .. wait.. I forgot 😅

  7. I want to cry. This means my fiance can stay in KY and we don't have to move back to Colorado. We can spend time with my aging mother who is in kidney failure. Marijuana keeps his seizures away. He has ankelosing spondylitis and severe pain. Pain meds kill your insides. He has lowered much of his prescription meds because of marijuana use in Colorado . It also helps with his anxiety from childhood trauma.

  8. I'm not a fan of this guy , let's not forget this is the same person who made it where people couldn't go to church during the pandemic. That being said I live here in KY, and will fully back this "state wide legalization" and this is the first step we as Kentuckians have been waiting for . Let's go!

  9. Well he's not backwards for ky he sees a good future for ky in all this conversation someone who cares about ky it's time to say no to laws against the fight for something great for the people of ky

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