Nightwatch: EMT Calms Scared 9-Year-Old Who Can't Stop Coughing | A&E

A 9-year-old kid who can’t stop coughing is calmed down by an EMT in this clip from Season 4, Episode 6. #Nightwatch Watch the …


  1. I'm almost 40 and have been having undiagnosed asthma attacks without intervention my whole life. Except the past 2 years I finally got a doctor to listen and got an inhaler. OMG. Coughing fits can stop!

  2. Poor kid both paramedics did so good getting everyone out then telling him to “smell the roses blow out the candles” that plus stress I can see why he was coughing. Hope he has a full recovery

  3. I’ve had asthma ever since the day I was born. I personally think that it runs in my family because everyone has it. For almost all my life I basically lived in the hospital. I remember it was so bad that my parents had to rush me to the hospital in the middle of the night. It’s a scary thing especially when u feel like your airway is going to close off on you at any minute. I remember my doctors putting me in a trauma room because I just couldn’t stop wheezing. I would cough until my chest hurts. Stress is one of my biggest triggers. Never stress a kid with asthma.

    Prednisone taste bitter btw. If I hate anything then that’s what I hate the most in this world.

  4. I had a asthma attack when I was sleeping idk how but like I had a nightmare mid way so like I could being in a ambulance I did go the hopistal tho I was just driven there in like 12 in the middle of the night and you know what I said when I could finally speak cus I lost my voice I asked can we have pancakes ? I never got them 🙁

  5. I'm 51, had my first asthma attack two weeks ago, second one last night. It's terrifying, terrifying. That feeling of drowning and can't do anything about it…proud little boy. I'll remember the smell the roses, blow out the candles definitely.

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