1. People get confused when I tell them I’ve had a seizure after my focal seizures sometimes once I’ve recovered, how it’s possible to have a seizure without the physical convulsions.

  2. I have hallucinations with my seizures. Medicine is helping. At first I didn’t realize that I was having seizures and my hallucinations often involved seeing people and pets that had died. One day I had a full conversation with my grandma completely unaware of the fact that she had died years ago and it was just a hallucination. When I was diagnosed and given medication I was hesitant to take it because I felt like I was loosing loved ones all over again. But I know it was all in my mind and I needed to take care of myself. But now I’m getting pain in my heart and breathing difficulties. I have heart valve disease but it’s been mild and I haven’t had pain in my chest quite like this before so out of curiosity I looked up if lamictol could affect the heart and it can! So I have to call my doctor in the morning and see what he thinks would be a good alternative to try. Side effects are scary! Sometimes the meditation can be worse than the disease! Before when I was on keppra I wanted to get in the car and drive into the river. It was terrifying! I told everyone to hide their car keys from me just in case. I don’t know what is worse sometimes…the illness or the treatment!!

  3. Im an epilepsy patient and the best advice to anyone with this nasty thing is we are nothing but warriors 💯💪🏽👑 please stay strong because god chose us to deal with this nasty symptom so we could live on strong healthy and have the knowledge to help others who suffer with it. God bless all of you and may all your seizures seise to exist! ❤️

  4. High humidity and low atmospheric pressure is the reason why people get seizures! I found out because my previous seizure was during when the hurricane and I googled it and found out. That's why places with high humidity such as The UK and Pakistan have the highest percentage of Epileptics.

  5. Heres the stupidest so – called " fact " that is taught the general public world wide pertaining to how to treat seizures. One thing that we are taught is to " roll a person on thier side " or " dont hold them down " ( because it could break the person who's having the seizures extremities)..How stupid, and it couldn't be father from the truth !
    Look. I have seizures, and I PURPOSELY roll myself onto my stomach and onto my own arms,, why ? So that they wont go flying out of control everywhere, and what that does is actually exhaust my muscles quicker so eventually my body will relax usually within seconds. So if you or you know anyone that has seizures, try that ! You'll see it will work just fine !

  6. I appreciate spreading awareness. Seizures aren’t guaranteed to stay controlled, some people can’t control seizures with medications, and a person can have more than one type of seizure. Never hold a person who is having a seizure down, never put anything in their mouth, always put something under a person’s head, turn them on their side if possible for better breathing. The recovery stage (post ictal) after a seizure is finished can have a variety of reactions from the epileptic from looking drunk, loss of communication, being combative, just needing sleep, to confusion, and many more. If a person has a seizure, time it, video tape it if you can, and you don’t need to call 911 unless the seizure lasts more than 5 minutes, there are multiple seizures repeating, or it’s the first seizure. Look for medical ID like an ID bracelet, a medical card in a wallet, or emergency medical information that is accessible from the phone under the word “emergency.” The person may have a list of people to contact and should never be left alone until they are fully aware. They should not drive.

  7. Epilepsy Awareness Month in Canada is in March. It might be any another month for other countries out there. So pick your month. There's always time to learn or teach some information about epilepsy.

  8. Let me take out a moment in my busy life to send a thank you note to a very amazing doctor who is full of love and commitment,Dr ogie is truly a blessing to the world thanks for curing my epilepsy

  9. Let me take out a moment in my busy life to send a thank you note to a very amazing doctor who is full of love and commitment,Dr ogie is truly a blessing to the world thanks for curing my epilepsy

  10. I am epileptic,before I knew I had it I was having weird episodes,really bad dajavu and a euphoric rush,it was so weird,found out there auras,then had a really bad tonic clonic and woke up with helemeds in my bedroom,I'm now on drugs but I'm still getting the auras,they are horrible,it's like a huge rush with bad dejavu and fear and dread,it was that bad the other day I came from the toilet to the front room but had the memories I've just left the pub,it's so weird,sometimes my body has a blue neon light around it,everything has a neon light around it,the TV,the table,its so crazy,I've only had 4 years and I'm 47 now but I would not wish this on anyone

  11. Anything with the brain and treatment is a guessing game. The brain is so vastly complex. I live with major depressive disorder with psychotic features aka hallucinations. I take Prozac and Gabapentin (ironically enough an anti seizure med) to treat my depression. I do well these days, Stay strong everyone and much love to all of you!!!

  12. I wish there was more information on epilepsy. I've been dealing with it for over five years now (I'm 16) and I still don't know what could be a side effect or another problem I have. So I just can't do anything about it.

  13. I know what it is to just live and survive such a tough condition. If treatment is not done early, it could result in side effects like minor to severe headaches which could possibly last days. Early treatment is the best thing to do. When you get such epileptic seizures, you can get involuntary body movement. This can frequently occur where the head and neck is located (but that not just depends on the type of epileptic seizure, but it also has to do with how severe it could be.


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