Warning! Do not take these drugs | Seroquel Quetiapine Zyprexa Olanzapine

This is true darkness. Don’t get played a fool by this industry.✦ Hi there, This is a very difficult part of my life to talk about.


  1. Lets just get some facts straight. Seroquel: Helps alot of people with bipolar syndrome. It evens out or even prevents manic episodes, which can stop people from hurting themselves or others. Seroquel is a fantastic medicine for some people. Therefore, warning against its uses is absolutely misleading.

    You also throw Prozac and Zoloft under the bus, implying that they too are dangerous. These medications wont work for everyone, but they truly save lives for many people with major depression and generalized anxiety disorders.

    You also mentioned that your brother is mentally disabled, which may cause these medications to have undesired effects. His psychiatrist is undoubtedly unbelievably stupid that perscribed both anti depressants and antipsychotic medicine. BUT, for people with disorders that the aforementioned medications are intended for, they can literally save lives. You should have framed the narrative in opposition to his psychiatrist, not the medicines. Its not the medicines fault that the psychiatrist misdiagnosed him this badly. Remember that even peanuts can be life threatening to some peoeple, which goes to show that we are all different and we all react differently to different medications. You brother was misdiagnosed and that is heart breaking.

    Wish you all the best.

  2. Such a crime 💔

    They tried to kill me as well! Psychiatry is a totalitarian nightmare, you can never leave, they own both your mind and body, uses the data they made up about you in any way they want, and stigmatize you for live.

    Western psychiatry is just as bad – or even worse – than KZ camps and witch plunge.

  3. Why would you (the family) take him to the same Doctor that got him sick? And on top of it you think it makes sense to give him more drugs while blaming someone else, because you rather not educate yourself’s on the drugs and alternative treatments? It’s the family that feeds him the pills not the doctor. It’s easier to whine and blame others than taking responsibility. Your family is not a Doctors responsibility it’s the families. Blaming makes people feel better because it takes responsibility away, but deep down who took him there? Who fed him the poison?

  4. The creator of this video is an an idiot who will cause lots of harm to others.Encouraging severely disturbed people not to take medications because of what happened to someone close to him could land you in jail in some countries.What do you want ? Do you want to see schizophrenics walking down the streets shouting and harming themselves or other ? If you know better than pharma scientists then make a video and explain the functions of the brain in detail.There are millions of people on these medications and thanks to these medications they are not locked up in mental wards.

  5. So hard to watch. I’m on a relatively low dose of Seroquel. It makes me slow, depressed and basically a zombie. I also gained 45 kg in weight. Thanks for your story. I love your bass guitars btw !

  6. I'm not trying to bring insult to injury, this story is horrible and I really feel for your family. I am going to comment as a Nurse who works with autism, severe mental disorders, dementia and acquired brain injuries. Just for your information (really need a new name on my youtube account) I regularly take quetiapine (seroquel), mirtazapine and another anti- convulsant/anti- psychotic drug called Topiramate. Just for reference- I both administer, and have experience taking these medications.

    Your brother's situation is horrible, I am really sorry, but its generally not just one thing that contributes to a decline like that. I watched the video and a number of questions immediately popped up for me, other than the times he was hospitalized…who was administering the medications to him? I mean? Surely this happened over a long period of time, and surely your mother had concerns about his behavior and physical symptoms for a period of time. What was occuring to the administering of these medications during that time? The most vulnerable time for people administered these drugs are when the dose or frequency is changed- not the original administering. So if your poor brother was given something new in hospital, stabilized on it, then left to go home with a medication protocol that wasn't adhered to – then yeah- I can easily see how this could of happened. I am not saying it is anyone's fault, it is incredibly difficult to administer medications to people who are exhibiting behaviors. Also, often family carers change dose, or withold medications thinking they are doing the right thing. I can see how it can easily happen.

    I also recognize that you are American, and I simply do not know what kind of systems are in place to care for people living with disabilities in the US. I am Australian, we are fortunate to live with the National Disability Insurance Scheme. I can't say that this kind of thing doesn't happen here, but if it does, alot of people would have their entire careers ended- and the afflicted and their family wouldn't have to work for the rest of their lives.

    What's happened to your brother and your family is disgusting, gross, mismanagement – it's exemplary of everything wrong with the American Healthcare System at large. I am truly sorry. Please do not come down on the drug itself, I am worried that alot of people who could seriously benefit from anti-psychotics simply won't try them now because of seeing this video. This is what I am seeing in the comments at least. There isn't a one pill fits all approach to treating any mental illness- any competent, ethical professional is going to understand that. It's just about recording and communicating your experiences on a suggested course of treatment. If the person can't do that for themselves, then advocate for them, and if you don't like the 2nd, then get a 3rd- keep going until you get someone who will truly listen. I guarantee, they're out there.

  7. I liked the video to support a fellow musician I don’t like that you and your family have went through this especially your brother. I haven’t been diagnosed but just told my story and talked about trouble sleeping and extreme anxiety and depression due to ptsd from prison and my moms suicide. Anyways, the doctors put me on clonazopam which helps and doesn’t make me feel like I need to take it the rest of my life. Things were working to the point where I wanted to start making a plan to get off of it after I confront what’s causing my troubles and it was helping so much. They cut my meds off that we’re working and just prescribed me xyprexa after trying seroquel for my anxiety. they prescribed me with no diagnosis and throw these things around like they’re just for anyone with some anxiety. I’m glad I found this video because i still haven’t taken the zyprexa and am weening off the seroquel now. Music is my therapy and it may not be an all day thing but I know this stuff is poison. This must’ve been hard to share but I thank you for this information because I believe it’s going to help me thanks. Subscribe to me if you want to collab on another note since we’re both musicians but I’ll keep y’all in my prayers. Much love from Colorado. Stay up bro.

  8. I have bipolar disorder, I have taken seroquel and prozac for two years now. It has saved my life.

    That being said, not everyone can have the same reaction as shown. I am deeply sorry about this, hopefully it gets better.

  9. I've taken 400 mg last night and I had the worst panic attack of my life. I kept seeing hallucinations and hearing voices that weren't there. I was rushed to the ER. I have schizophrenia too. I kept seeing numbers everywhere and I saw flash images in my brain. I look next to me and I saw my girlfriend next to me and she was rubbing my back. I blinked and she was gone. My gma asked what was wrong and I started screaming. I'm on 13 meds due to Schizophrenia, BPD, MDD, Autism, Antisocial Disorder, Bipolar manic, and anorexia. I feel for your brother, cause these hallucinations will drive you mad to the point of ending your life. I havent slept for 9 days now and I keep seeing shadows and faces in the dark and their horrible laughs… I hope you guys don't abuse it like me cause you will feel hell. Sometimes I look at my phone when it's off and I can see YouTube videos that aren't there and it doesn't make sense to me. When I was in rehab and mental hospitals, we were force fed meds or we were locked in a room. That was when I was 16-17 and now I'm 18. These meds screwed my life up.

  10. I take a low dose of quitapene under 25mg. He will have been on a range of different medication and institutions for a long time. There is no "new" medication that is making this go away. It's just abuse.

  11. Best thing I ever did getting off that group of medication. They gave me these to start with at like 15 16 years old. I was on these lot for years until I decided that it can't be me it must be this medication and I was so right and now I like to help pick my medications works allot better than just letting the Dr who doesn't care pick! The medications cause more problems for the user sometimes then the illness ever would. Let's be honest all the meds do is simply sedate different parts of the brain. Though this causes a horrible quality of life for people….Theirs no need to feel like your on a massive amount of drugs to be helped! I think the best route is to start with weaker meds and work up to strong ones!!!!!! These meds have basically f.cked up my adult life cheers Dr! I'm now 33 and have just got out of being sedated being bed bound I now have a bad back from this. I take aripriprazole at the moment and have had other drugs. Ita just hrs to find one that doesn't sedate where your not wanting to sit down allot but theirs just some that I'd reserve for people who really needed them! I'd say you'd have to be dangerous to be on olanzapine as its so bloody strong.in my case atleasi just didn't need a medication so powerful 5mg is enough to nock an adult out and that's its lowest dose per day

  12. Withdrawals can ruin your life I unfortunately thought it was only benzos until this last month started withdrawling off seroquel… I hope nothing tramautic happened to him during withdrawl like attempted suicide.

  13. I'm on Seroquel now for bipolar been on it for three years I am having hallucinations currently. I have been on olanzpine years back no problems. My heart to the family and Eric they don't explain side effects you have to read up on all these anti psychotic meds but we as the patient should not have to! God knows what they will give me next. I do have muscle spasms at night and it's painful but not every night. Sometimes the cure is worse then the illness.

  14. This is tragic.

    Check out books by Joanna Moncrieff (1 The Bitterest Pills: the troubling story of antipsychotic drugs; 2 The Myth of the Chemical Cure: a critique of psychiatric drug treatment; 3 A Straight Talking Introduction to Psychiatric Drugs) and Peter Breggin (1 Brain-Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry: Drugs, Electroshock and the Psychopharmaceutical Complex, Second Edition; 2 Toxic Psychiatry: Why Therapy, Empathy and Love Must Replace the Drugs, Electroshock, and Biochemical Theories of the "New Psychiatry"; 3 Psychiatric Drugs: Hazards to the Brain).

  15. Seroquel is a dopamine receptor blocking agent. What can occur over a period of time is that the brain will upregulate dopamine receptors. A dopamine supersensitivity can develop. Movement disorders like Dyskenesia may occur. Everyones different so its not going to affect everyone the same way.

  16. This is very sad. People don’t understand how dangerous & scary these drugs are/can be. Trust me, I know 1st hand how scary things can get for someone. Your doctors and loved ones think this is so easy, such an easy fix. Here’s a pill. Everything will get better, just take the medication. Truth is we really don’t know the long term effects of these kinds of drugs. That particular drugs your talking about are deadly for the patients body/mind. A lot of us are super sensitive to medications and these are so heavy duty. It’s terrifying when your experiencing side effects from the drugs. It’s a nightmare that just plays out every day, over & over while everyone around you just gets frustrated and moves on with their lives. They actually get upset and frustrated with you because the med’s aren’t working right. Do your research on these meds guys. Take the lowest dose as possible that may help. But be aware of your body/mind. Quit taking the medication if your feeling sick, psychotic, seizures, tremors, etc. If your family is going to make medical decisions of your behalf, make sure they understand what can happen, know the signs and get you immediate help. Then go to plan b, plan c, plan d….. don’t stop til you find something that helps you. No judgement. Again, these are very powerful medications & they do work for some. Just not all of us. So sorry for anyone who’s had to walk thru this hell.

  17. I was given Gabbapentin, geodon, and seroquel all by a psychiatrist. For bipolar disorder (which I don’t have she diagnosed me without telling me) and when she gave med geodon she made it sound like it was a sleep aid then she put me up on 80mg.

  18. Imagine working on a car and not knowing the exact issue yet you throw certain parts at it hoping it will work.

    Thats what alot of these Doctors are doing.

    Except this is A PERSONS BRAIN!!!!

  19. I had prescribed by my Psychiatrist a Quetiapine, it started from 10mg until it becomes 200mg. My condition got better when within 24 hrs but even worst than ever if I forgot to take it. Severe headache for no reason just pain then I will take Quetiapine again.. 2 years later, my family brought me to other Psychiatrist and asked why my first Psychiatry recommend Quetiapine, then he prescribed of taking Olanzapine 25mg instead. After 4 months, we can't afford to buy another batch of Olanzapine. Now, in my 5th month, I started to feel the pain again on my head. Waking up every 2am because of pain and nightmare. I don't know what to do anymore, we don't have much budget on medications.

  20. Does anyone have any positive remarks regarding Zyprexia? I've been on it for the past year and I honestly feel like a freak, I have problems communicating and expressing my feelings and it feels like I'm trapped in my head all the time. I don't know if that's from my mental condition or side effects of the medicine. Any feedback would be appreciated, I keep a strict routine and I've tried lowering and raising the dosage and 7.5mgs seems to keep me decent but still lacking cognitively.

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