1,000 mg CBD Beard Oil [HUGE Giveaway] Ice by Abuvy!

I go over the 1000 mg cbd beard oil by Abuvy (Natural Stress Solutions) and the details for a huge giveaway!


  1. 📌 https://abuvycbd.com/danc
    * DANC = 20% off affiliate discount code
    * enter giveaway here too

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  2. I’m new to the beard game what company do you suggest for oils and balms I’m from Michigan so I’m interested in Detroit grooming co

  3. Oh man. This sounds awesome. I’ve been on the fence about CBD oils. Stigma I guess but hearing the break down seems like something to try. Throwing my hat into the giveaway!

  4. Exfoliate (remove dead skin) + Generate blood flow + detangle + drink water in the morning + walking 20 or 30 minutes per day + good sleeping + taking time alone or not..to thinking in a forest/ on a beach (taking positives vibes) + good food hygiene + 2 or 3 times/per week washing beard with shampoo + using great natural products (such like beard octane jamboree and sometimes coconut oil pure lol) = healthy beard and happy man.

  5. Currently I only use pure virgin coconut oil in cooking, in cosmetics for the face, beard, hair, brushing teeth, massage for my girlfriend.
    lol Serious studies show the health benefits of virgin coconut oil.

    But I'm still going to try the Cbd product because I love cbd and I love what Dan does.

  6. Ty for the video! I had an idea of a new video i think many of us would love….. Should you shave your neck beard, or how much if u do? and maybe you can go thru the process

  7. This is interesting, so if I understand this correctly they are not a beard care company but a CBD company that has created a beard oil with your help? If so that's really awesome to see them branching out to other needs!

  8. I honestly hope you are right about the cbd won't show on a test. I know people that failed because of cbd that was from companies that made cbd. He worked on the oil rigs & was popped.

  9. This is incredible! Have been very curious to dive into this product specifically especially having some beard issues getting through cheaper quality oils in my humble beginnings. Growing it out bigger properly now and this would really help me do it right this time! Love from nearby in Rochester, MI! Hope you had a great holiday man

  10. Hey Dan – thanks for the great content and giveaways. I've been CBD-curious for a while since I have a dry, graying beard and need all the softening ingredients I can get. Right now using heavy Ostrich oil oils plus butters every day. Would you be able to provide a more science or evidence-focused video on how CBD works, relaxes or softens hair? And maybe compare to a bird oil? Thanks!

  11. I remember you did a video on these guys a while back, it was actually one of the 1st CBD products I looked into because at the time it was really one of the only ones that had 1000 mg. Great job!

  12. I've only used products with full spectrum CBD. Are there any differences in how full spectrum vs isolate affects the beard? I wouldn't imagine so, but was curious.

  13. Been working on some higher cannabinoid mg oils recently; does wonders for the skin, also great to straighten and style. The thing is residual cannabinoids are tough to wash out. Polar washes don't work. Got to absorb it with a carrier oil and then wash that out

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