Holistic Treatment for Bandit, Nevaeh, Lily and Tilly #germanshepherd #boxer #cattledog

This week Luke took Bandit, Nevaeh, Lily and Tilly to see Neil for some acupuncture, laser therapy and supplements to help with …


  1. Neil you are awesome!!! Thank you for taking such good care of the doggos!!! And Bandit is a big boy….towards the end before Tilly I really saw how big he was…sheesh. thank you for loving them the way you do Luke and Sam…πŸ’œπŸ’œ

  2. As soon as anyone mentions arthritis and rheumatism I immediately consider diet as number one issue, usually due to modern wheat toxins. Remove the wheat from the doggies diet and they may well improve quite quickly once the source of the inflammation is no longer there.

  3. Yes!! What Dr Neal says about the Farm, the community is so true, I'm telling you it's a refuge, a place we can breathe & relax with you & the dogs!!! I'm so grateful for your viewers who are soo incredibly generous, I'm alone on disability so not able yet to give, but I pray my Lord will make away so I canπŸ’™πŸ₯°πŸ™πŸΌπŸ•

  4. How do we get more Dr Niel's in the world. πŸ₯°πŸ€—πŸΎ
    Bandit: Doc if you would just let me lick your face everything would be okay. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

  5. It's amazing that Neil has been willing to make time for the dogs on his day off .. the video 's of the holistic care for the dogs are very informative πŸ‘Œ.. thanks for sharing πŸ‘ 😊

  6. Finally catching up on my videos. They all did so good… Bandit πŸ‘… his tongue πŸ‘… reached Dr Neil’s face without turning around. Happy tears πŸ˜‚for Navaeh getting a forever home. ( yes her collar has neveah -Heaven spelled backwards) πŸΎβ€οΈπŸ€—

  7. Neil – Neveyah is mental! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Never was a truer word spoken. The dogs are very calm with him – they can sense he is helping them. Maybe he should have a relaxing day out at the farm – I bet the rest of the pack would love him πŸ‘πŸ» Neveyah’s new parents are so lucky, she is a beautiful girl. Bosh! Bandit tongue right in the eye! 🀣🀣🀣🀣 He is a lover not a fighter πŸ˜‚

  8. I hope Dr. Neil knows how precious these Farm dogs are to all of us!! Ha!! Especially Bandit boy!! He's no ordinary boxer!!! He's the King of the Farm, and shall be treated as such!! Hahaha!!

  9. I was initially a little skeptical about the holistic acupuncture, heat, etc. but it sure seems to be working. I have a back that is seriously hosed right now. I think I might give it a shot and see if I can get some relief. So far the regular doctors haven't helped a bit.

    Luke, I can tell you unequivocally at least a few of the reasons WHY your YT community is so supportive. Not an exhaustive list, but the positivity and enjoyment you bring is a lot more important than you probably know. I'm not a shut in or living alone even, so I can imagine even moreso what gold that is to someone that can't get out and is alone at some point in their lives.

    Another is the importance of the work you do, rehabbing VERY dangerous dogs that live obviously very miserable existences into dogs that are enjoying running free, or nearly free in a case or two (not totally without supervision) that few others could have EVER gotten to that point. There is a lot more, not the least because you are, IMO, at least half dog (good thing, GREAT thing actually) yourself, as I've stated before, which makes the interactions hilarious and heartwarming.

    Watching your little ones grow in that environment is fun, too. It's not just the dogs that are living the good life. How's THAT for supportive? πŸ™‚ And I meant every bit of it, no sugar added. You can really tell when someone is living their calling, and at least for the present this is yours, I believe, watching you.

    It sounds like the clinic is near an airport, and possibly right off the end of a runway, like on the base to final turn area.

  10. Bandit, you are such a fidgety boy! Nevaeh was a good girl but she is not going to like all the restful days she has ahead of her. Thank you, Neil, for helping our older Pack members feel better.

  11. Thank you so much Neil for helping Lily, Tilly, Nevaeh and Bandit on your day off. So kind of you.
    Thank you also for taking the time and trouble to reply to my email. I was thrilled.

    Great, great video. All of the dogs were so good and loved their treatments. Luke and Sam thank you so much for what you’re doing. You are amazing.

  12. So Happy you found Neil. It just gives great comfort to know the doggies can find relief without the harsh meds. Bandit making his rounds ro make sure the doggies on the table are OK was adorable. Thanks so much to the supporters who contributed to the Care of the Farm doggies. To watch Tilly and Lilly get such relief is so promising. Neil will be so impressed with the Farm. How wonderful if he makes the trek out. Congrats to Nevaeh on her forever home. Prayers for a successful adoption.

  13. I was looking at some videos of Neil about how he got started, the studying he's done etc and was surprised when he said he is allergic to dogs and horses πŸ˜† wow Neil really is dedicated to his profession having to deal with an allergy every working day. Neil you're a gem πŸ’Ž ❀

  14. I don’t know much about acupuncture but I find it incredible that Neil can insert the needles without the dogs even flinching 🫣
    Four beautifully behaved dogs, even fidgety pants Bandit. πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

  15. Neil is so relaxed when he is attending to all of the dogs. I find his voice so calming & the dogs are so calm when he works on them. πŸ‘πŸΆπŸ˜ŠπŸ‘ Thank you for sharing this video with us. πŸ‘πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦πŸ˜Š

  16. Those dogs knew Neil was the answer to their needs, and then sooooo appreciative . Love that he is feeling the love of the youtube family of The Farm. I used to think the internet was more of a negative thing than positive, now I know how much good content is made by and available, because of some really cool and caring Human Beings. Good Intentions and Good vibes. Watching Neil doing his examination was soooo interesting and his interaction and communication with each dog. LOVELY

  17. Thanks to these videos, I have located several holistic vets in my area….who knew?? Thank you so much for your videos. I have picked up and learned so many things to put into use with my 2 year old stumpy tail blue healer!

  18. please thank the handsome vet doctor for all the the information he is sharing. i have three very active stafford/ pits two are six and one(mom) is eight. she has arthritis. i can now get supplements for them. the pain meds are expensive for me.

  19. You definitely get the impression that Bandit has never met someone who wasn't instantly a friend. You might get licked to death though. So glad you were able to take Bandit with you. His limp is so much worse than his last holiday. Lily and Tilly did so good. Lily seems more relaxed with each visit. We completely missed that Nevaeh was limping before. Glad Neil was able to give you some information on her history that can be passed on to her adopter. Thank you for sharing these videos with us. We are learning a lot.

  20. Dr.Neil is amazing.He is very
    knowledgeable with just about everything.The doggies know he means no harm & is there 2 help.
    The Dogs were such great patients…β›‘οΈπŸΎπŸΎπŸΎπŸΎπŸ€ …πŸ’–

  21. Such good girls. Tilly and Lilly so chilled n relaxed and sweet Nevaeh knows that Neil was helping her, bless. The Bandit so wanted to be up on that table as he was missing out on the new πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ finally got up there and he’s like β€˜Ok I have been n seen now let me wash you all over and get off’ Such a gorgeous boy but a bloody fidget πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ makes friends with everyone. They were all so awesome 🀩

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