1. I'm so very sorry for your loss of Murray. He was such a great cat. You were there for him when he needed not only someone to love but to be responsible for his health. I'm sure if Murray could talk, he would tell you thank you. The needy ones seem to find me, too. After losing my late husband's senior cat last year, (a cat that was cruelly dumped on our property without a thought to how he could survive). I decided not to get another cat. I thought my senior boy (a bottle baby I raised when he was only hours old) deserved to have all the love and attention. Well, he shares with the dog but didn't want him pestered by a kitten or trying to fit in with another adult. As fate would have it, a tiny, frail 5-weeks-old kitten found in the woods magically appeared, and I didn't have the heart to say no. She has neurological issues besides the blindness but her homeopathic vet and I are working together to get her well. Your videos have been instrumental in my search for ways to help her. For that, you will forever have my graditude. Sometimes, our higher power knows where to send the needy ones. Sometimes, our higher power knows what we need too. These animals needing special care seem to know they are being helped. It can be expensive and frustrating, but oh, so worth it in love. R.I.P, Murray. You'll never be forgotten.

  2. Murray was so adorable! He looked so squishable but with a feisty attitude. I'm so sorry for your loss!! Thank you for giving him a wonderful quality of life. We will miss you Murray!!

  3. My deepest sympathies Dr. Jones to you, your wife, and Tula. I had a cat that looked just like Murray. He was 1 in a 1,000,000 cat too. Never clawed furniture, never got on counters, or tables. I'm not really a cat person, allergic. Smokey was dumped here. Lived to be 18.5 years, he was the best cat ever. I miss him too. Blessings Dr. Jones

  4. Sooooo sorry for your loss of Murray. I recently (Dec. 8th) lost my Kenji to cancer. My Kenji Kat was my huge Maine Coon Silver boy. He was totally a BIG personality in our family and I definitely understand how you are feeling. Someone is definitely missing and there is no replacing them. Even my other 2 kitties miss him. hugs I hope it gets better day by day. RIP Murray. I hope you and Kenji are rolling in the catnip in kitty heaven. 😺

  5. Dr Jones, so very sorry to hear of your Murray. Clearly your love for him is deep and you 2 were close. May you be encouraged knowing just that and that you gave him love, care, shelter and so much more. He surely knew that and he no doubt brought you much love and joy as well. Our Ragdoll who is now in kitty Heaven was a wonderful cat we rescued from a shelter. Mocha was fun and loving too. She would also tap/lightly swat my foot or leg too. So funny. May all those times warm your heart.

  6. I believe high-protein plates in the cancer cancer, likes high-protein and sugar. I read this somewhere I think or maybe my husband’s oncologist told us I can’t remember.🤦🏼‍♀️

  7. I’m sorry to hear that, but having our animals we all know how it is. Bless You. Thank you for all you do to help us with our animals with your experience.

  8. No doubt Murray is having lots of fun at The Rainbow Bridge!.For it is the Rainbow Bridge where they wait for each one of us …….and when we reunite.we will travel the last road 'home'.together.. Much love to you and your family. Murray will be missed..but he will live on within our hearts!

  9. On behalf of Boss Cat/ Fat cat/ Murray thank you for taking him in giving him the most helpful life that he needed, thank you for loving him for who he was and not who you wanted him to be, thank you for being diligent in getting him healthier, and thank you for creating and sharing this video because it shows that animals with issues need to be adopted and given a better life. My heart hurts for you and your family as you miss and remember him. Sending you guys cyber hugs…

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