5 Signs Someone Grew Up with Bipolar Disorder | MedCircle

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  1. Psychedelic’s definitely have potential to deal with mental health symptoms like anxiety and depression, I would like to try them again but it’s just so hard to source here

  2. Mental illness especially mood disorders were not known about when I was a kid. But we can go back and see it was there. I have bipolar.2 and was diagnosed when I was about 32.

    I have a lot of depression and always have and I am 60 now. I thought the bipolar was gone but I was wrong.

  3. I'm transgender and have been since I was 12. I was seeing medical doctors to try get on hormones (almost 20 years ago now) so wasn't the easiest. I was bullied and had abusive upbringing, I had depression from that and anxiety on off most the time. By the time I was 17 I was self harming and getting into crisis. I was hypomania I think undetectable but the low side was do pure. The GP gave me a anti depressant and it triggered a pure manic epaidoe where I was sectioned and diagnosed with BPD and BIPOLAR 1. What a horrific exspeices that was. I never knew I was bipolar at the time. Never noticed the "highs" jsuy the low moods and self district

  4. First diagnosed with Bipolar disorder at age 33 after a family member committed suicide. But, I never told anyone I had symptoms at age 19 that I covered up and my family covered up because it was that angry. Some would define the way I was fondled at church qualified as sexual assault. But, somehow I suppressed it so much after it happened that I forced myself to forget it until I was revictimized by random strangers through my 20s.

    Pretty sure it was contained enough until my family member decided to end it all. Half of what I said when first diagnosed revealed only half of the truth. I suppressed the rest and still pretend it didn't happen.

  5. I was a depressed when I was suffering bipolar disorder I thought it was all over until I met Dr OBEHi Herbal home on YouTube now I am cured after I applied his natural herbs

  6. The way he described a child with bipolar disorder was completely me as a kid. But I have adhd and I didn’t even know I was depressed at 8 because I didn’t know what it was. So I didn’t talk about it. My parents and teachers kept going back and forth on typical childhood disorders. Adhd, autism, oppositional defiant disorder. I didn’t get diagnosed with bipolar 2 until 23 when I should’ve started meds at 8.

  7. Mental health is complex. Brief analysis in short treatment periods is not likely to be accurate from what I've seen and many doctors I've spoken with. Humans behavior is just too dynamic.

  8. 69%? I doubt this. There is a lot that is suspect about this video. What about differentiating between Bipolar I and II? How are they defining a manic or depressive episode? Why is the word "normal" used at all when that is rarely used by psychologists since it is so subjective? Would definitely recommend viewing other videos if you're also watching this.

  9. The Dr. mentioned kids in a psychiatric unit were improperly diagnosed as bipolar, due to acting out and being depressed. What kid wouldn’t be upset, act out and depressed if they were locked up in a psychiatric unit?
    Could the environment create behavior that throws an accurate diagnosis out the window.

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