1. Just imagine buying concessions other than just popcorn at a theater. Everybody knows u smuggle your own snacks/drinks. Just hit the dollar tree or 7-11 on the way to the theater. Rookie move Joe, rookie move.

  2. I called baby elephants "elephant puppies" as a kid and my family thought it was cute so the never corrected me. Didn't realize "elephant puppy" was a bumb thing to say until I was like 19

  3. I occasionally have the early morning time slow down. It feels like getting a full nights sleep in the span of 10-30 monutes. It is magical. I wish I could figure out how to replicate that feeling. It is the best way to start your day.

  4. I love when the guys build Kevin up with compliments. Funny bit but also the way to Joe's quick but very real "amazing at editing." It's just clear that yall actual are friends who love each other, AND it's a funny bit from the surface boyish good looks all the 100 layers down to stuff I'm sure only you 4 guys get.

    Great episode!

  5. Took zzzquil when I was in college. Woke up and hallucinated a grim reaper standing over me. Scared me so bad I literally kicked my ex out of our bed. Switched to melatonin after that. Now I just have vivid dreams.

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