1. Absolutely 100% gross. If this were a dispensary processing facility this shit would not fly. I bet this is for those cheap gas station cartridges and dirty homemade balms. People sacrificed their lives to grow good products and this is what our government has done to cannabis. Gross. Just like the entire farming industry in the U.S ravaged with bugs, pesticides and chemicals.
    Thanks uncle sam

  2. its a shame so many hemp/weed people have to be such ocd pussies about everything now. "I don't want anything that has been in the same room as plastic or alcohol. They're poisons. What's wrong with you?"

    Wasting this man's time who was so kind to respond to the nonsense.

  3. Someone else used this similar press at 131psi..squeezed out even more.. hopefully this helps,The oil was thicker and darker.
    One more thing,they just added it without water.

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