Rep. Ro Khanna on CA Flooding, Big Oil's Climate Denial, Debt Ceiling, Assange & Possible Senate Bid

The death toll from two weeks of flooding in California has reached at least 20. As climate scientists are predicting more extreme …


  1. Even with this current situation of the nations economy, the market has been pretty bad until today it decided to surge. Everybody was Practically Crying then. It kept dipping. That's what you get when you feel you can navigate the process on your own. Big thank to Hilder Ferguson. I'm not bothered with how bad the Market is because my assests are insured due to her advice and I still receive my profit

  2. I am so sick of listening to Ro Khanna. He is such a sellout. All he does is run his mouth about all the good things that should happen, then he goes ahead and votes for any wretched piece of garbage legislation Democrats put forth – including union busting, a "climate bill" that increases drilling, and billions for an insane war in Ukraine while we have families sleeping in cars in the middle of winter. Eff this noise.

  3. Ro K certainly has a narrative. It’s not really a scientific one, but the left all agrees so consensus is enough to say we should destroy economies over Al Gore’s bad data and a Leftist industry based on grift.

    The people who support his sort of thing need a better education. It’s why they feel the need to censor vs debate.

  4. People that go along with this Climate “project” cannot be trusted

    Turning weather into a scare..
    Co2 cannot heat the earth it’s scientifically impossible..
    Follow the money and the elitist that invented this.

    They changed it from global warming to climate change because the reality outside the worst unreliable science of all time computer model, they have never been correct no matter what they use their modelling from.

    You see heat cannot escape computer models, the earth doesn’t operate that way, in reality outside the computer model heat escapes, and it’s been known for the last 8 years we are in a cooling cycle
    The earth and weather operates independently of humans.

    There has always been heat waves droughts storms tornadoes etc since the earth began and its survived millions of years with or without humans

    Co2 is the gas of life for all plant life..

    The truth is breaking through the propaganda alarmist climate disaster
    Despite the censorship and the cries of “climate denier” to close down honest debate with real evidence.

    What climate are they referring to

    We have
    Arid climate
    Hot climate
    Warm climate
    Dry climate
    Wet climate
    Tropical climate
    Cold climate
    Artic climate
    Humid climate

    There isn’t one world climate

    Comparing their climate alarmism to tobacco smoking is truly the most ridiculous and most desperate comparison I’ve ever heard to date.

    Heat comes from the sun!

  5. Since the 1860s to the present, the oil, gas, and coal fossil fuel industry is linked to white supremacy. A system designed to protect and elevate whiteness. The green movement is an attack on white male establishment.

  6. Propaganda people's with no knowledge of science. Scientist have to do propaganda to keep jos.
    Global warming, climate change but
    really ice age is coming.
    Reason for lying is destroying middle class, ruing people's lives except oligarchs and sold to oligarchs politicians. What and who made this
    guy congressman?

  7. Ask Gavin Newsom the following: "Are you aware of any weather modification efforts that are targeting the state of California, its airspace or coastal lines?"

  8. Speaking of misinformation campaigns, Al Gore and DN both are guilty of misinformation about changing weather. They consider naturally-occurring weather cycles away being "Climate Change"while confusing it with the real issue of pollution.

  9. publishing is not crime… also its truth who are we kidding…. trying to save politicians???? need more of politicians with common sense like ro khanna…. democratic party lack that for a decade now

  10. wish we have more real politicians like rokhanna…. release assange. there is no base to detain a person for telling truth while thouse murdered ae roaming free… this is not 1800 for god sake.

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