GABAPENTIN | Neurontin: Side Effects and How to Take

Gabapentin is a medication that is used for a lot of different things. We use it for back pain, nerve pains like diabetic neuropathy, …


  1. It done nothing except blur my vision . I stopped after a month .
    The only one that showed some promise was amtripaline. 150 mg was best , but when the fluid retention started I went back to 100mg . There’s a strong link to dementia, but I have no other choice . All the others had toxic side effects.

  2. For over ten years I was taking Gabapentin 300’s twice a day for neuropathy in my legs. After about eight years of this I began to notice I was losing some of my memory, was constantly tired and wanted to sleep, and I was getting double vision. Not the double vision one normally has, but double vision whereby the objects I was looking at were stacked. I could close either eye and still see one object stacked atop the other. No one could explain what was going on. As the years progressed so did the loss of memory to the point I had real trouble just walking around the block. I would forget where I lived and how to get home. Going to the store became almost impossible without using the GPS in my car. My sleepiness became worse to the point I could go to sleep as soon as I sat down. The double vision became triple, then quadruple. I could still see the ‘main’ object but the ‘extra’ objects were becoming a real issue. After seeing more doctors it was determined 1) I did not have diabetic neuropathy and thus should never have been on the drug in the first place, and 2) my memory and eye sight issues were due to Gabapentin. I was weaned off the drug. I swore to never take it again. Now I have three severe stenosis on one side of my neck. I’ve tried all the physical therapy, steroid injections and ablations of the nerves in my neck. The tingling and muscle pain is almost too much to handle. I was put on Gabapentin 100’s to try to control this issue. I am starting to notice small amounts of memory loss, an ‘otherworldly’ feeling, and constantly feeling sleepy. My vision remains good. I will soon have my C3-C4-C5 fused. I have been told this should allow me to get off Gabapentin completely.

  3. Gabapentin does NOT do a fuckin' thing. It does NOT work, It does absolutely nothing. It's supposed mechanism of action is fundamentally flawed and this class of drugs should be avoided. Biochemist, pharmaceutical researcher, retired. D.O., it figures!

  4. My doctors prescribed this when I was having terrible back pain. I had to start wearing a football type mouthpiece while sleeping because I was biting the heck out of my tongue in my sleep. Nasty medicine.

  5. Gabapentin was one of the WORST medications I've ever taken. I got virtually EVERY side effect possible. Even when the side effects started my doctor was denying the drug was the issue. He was happy to "push" me to continue taking it. I ended up in the hospital for over a week until I stabilized. I'm happy for those of you who have had success with gabapentin. However, I encourage people to ALWAYS read the print out the pharmacy gives you listing adverse reactions. Some docs are in bed with drug reps, just want to rush you out of the appointment & don't care as much as they should.

  6. Horrible med. I’m listening to this as I’m typing…..I want to see if he warns people that it can cause night terrors and messed up dream states. I was on this after back surgery that failed and I was still having bad nerve pain. I was on it for about 7 months, and even though you’re supposed to taper off I stopped abruptly. I had a night terror, I woke up standing in my living room looking for the person I was dreaming about chasing me with a knife. I had my loaded Glock in my hand. Thank God I didn’t fire it.
    I went back on my opioid med after that. My doctor actually told me he didn’t warn me about night terrors hoping I didn’t have them. A lot of patients in nursing homes have them I found out.

  7. You can't taper off gabapentin. If you've taken gabapentin long enough to have withdrawal, then you'll have to go through 10 days of hell. It's over on the morning of the 11th day. It's weird.
    Thanks for sharing.

  8. My Mother had leg cramps so her doctor prescribed it Gabapentin. My Mother committed suicide. Please Google all the lawsuits regarding depression and suicide while on Gabapentin.

  9. I took pharmaceutical Gaba for years 300mg. 4x a day. I now…ingest only organics these days; also organic Gaba. Are the side effects comparable??Organic vs chemical? Thank you…Om 😊 🙏

  10. Is it possible you could give some information about Pramipexole. I take it along with gabapentin for RLS and think that I can get rid of the gaba and use only the pramipexole

  11. They have my father on it be won't take opiates so they talked him into this and I knew it was a bad idea but the doctor told me to shut and let him do his job, I really wanted to say well expect to see me in the parking lot when you get off im not done with you…….of course my dad sees it now we lied to no side affects yay right your in WITHDRAWL and the highMG people I feel for me dad listens to me when it comes to pills I can do a pharmacistwith eyes shut

  12. I’m on this for alcohol withdrawals and I’m coming down from a 5 day bender. Yesterday early morning I had taking as much as 5 Gabapentin . I was feeling very disoriented and went into an anxiety attack and had called an ambulance. Very stupid and irresponsible decision on my part but bc I use them for sleep as well I had a bit of insomnia due to withdrawal. But today is my day 1 and I know I can beat alcoholism bc no amount pleasure u get from drinking is worth the horrible withdrawals that come after.

  13. Gabapentin should only be prescribed in a hospital setting on the first dose. Just one pill made me want to go out and kill somebody, and gave me many weird thoughts that I recognized as crazy and abnormal.

  14. I was prescribed Gabapentin for post surgical neuralgia. It worked very well for the pain but I had issues with confusion, balance and severe explosive diarrhea happening a minimum of 9 times a day. This went on for 7 months. I didn't want to stop the drug because the pain was so bad. I had to take immodium 2 or 3 times a day just to keep from soiling myself. Apparently doctors don't believe it can cause diarrhea, but I've read many reports by other people who state they are having the same problem. When I stopped the drug after 7 monhs, the diarrhea cleared up. The pain returned and I discovered if I don't take more than 600mg per day until the pain goes away and I can cycle off an on the drug to keep the pain under control and not have the two step all the time.

  15. I am allergic to Gabapentin and also lyrica. Both give me hives along with breathing issues. I have had absolutely zero issues with Opiates yet still get the sideways look and judgment from Dr's. Living in untreated pain is ridiculous.

  16. Please, please be careful. Neurotin pushed me into congestive heart failure. I went from 160 lbs to 230 lbs. I tried using exercise to reduce weight but my pain increased and I couldn't stop coughing from the CHF. I was literally dying. There are so many side effects that if you experience multiple you may not recognize something serious happening.

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