1. Love love love this song Gary Allan is the best country singer ever if he doesn't get enough recognition. Hopefully with this new album out people will realize that he should be Entertainer of the Year!!!😘😘😘❀❀🀠 I love me some Gary Allan

  2. I agree with all of the comments he is under rated by far and over looked at awards cause he isn't a sellout to the Nashville executives a true outlaw like Johnny Cash Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson keep it up Gary the great ones are always over looked you have had at least 4 number 1 hits 6 in the top 5 and over 15 top ten hits and sold over 20 million records worldwide Nashville can FO

  3. We all make mistakes! Took the wrong road, give the hitchhike arise and he took you for a ride too! With mistakes we come out correct and watch other people go thru they same mistakes. Life's funny that way.

  4. wish Gary Allan would come back to Seattle WA. Never miss seeing him. You say everything I have been through and I'm 61. Can't find new CD to play in car. COME BACK To SEATTLE. Want to see u again!!!!!!

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