I took CBD for a month

I tried using CBD to help with my shoulder recovery… Just a little background on my shoulder situation: -I tore my labrum in 2010 …


  1. How is your shoulder now? Never tried CBD, but definitely take Magnesium for knee pain. Have you heard of the knee over toe guy on IG? Do you recommend his workouts to help the knees?

  2. I rediscovered your channel a few months back and I have been enjoying the real you! Your genuine humility is so refreshing. Love the content. Happy belated bday. Yes to CBD oil. Must try..,,

  3. I use the CBD oil for Better sleep and relaxation❣️🥰 totally love it the deodorant is epic…, didn’t think it would be effect it’s as good as the oil.
    GreenRoads is my go to 👏🏽

  4. Your hair looks lovely 🙂 I was watching the last few of your videos and I wanna say "keep up the work and the results will come". Your latest video popped up on my feed and I'm happy to see you're still posting videos. Stay inspired and genuine!

  5. It seems ppl are more interested in your life & what you are up to. Maybe out of concern, curiosity, or just simple love for you. Show us life for u now, maybe Vlog more. We love it all

  6. You should post a top essential supplements in your life video! My bf uses tons of holistic supplements, and I think it would be awesome if you talked about your favorites and everyday essentials and their benefits!!

  7. CBD is amazing!! It’s a natural, vegan and organic product and it helps with my anxiety!! I also give some to my dog because she has anxiety too and it calms her down so much! 💛

  8. Hi I love this video. I use a CBD freeze gel on my lower back and knee for pain and I take the gummies and a syrup sometimes to help me relax. I think more people should be made aware of the natural healing benefits of CBD versus prescribed medications. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Hello from Sydney Aus!
    My little cousin recently got diagnosed with a tumor on her brain stem around October of last year! Doing daily CBD dosage of oils. She went in for her update in May and her tumor is shrinking and also helps with her pains! Totally recommend! Even if it isn’t as major has cancer/tumor!

  10. CBD is great! We used it for our dog and started a treatment one week before New year's Eve. He's been always very nervous and frightened by the fireworks and with CBD he was doing much better! He was still a little bit tense but he wasn't cowering in the corners or under the table. It's just awesome!

  11. I tore ligaments in ankle & knee while vacationing in Dominican 3 years ago. Couldn't put any weight on leg for about a month. I had a bunch of pain meds, but the thing that got me through it was my Green Roads CBD cream and some oil that I don't recall the brand. I still have ongoing knee problems, plus I was hit by a truck crossing the street back in May. I have already maxed out on cortisone injections. My son who works for MedMen bought me this Chiro-Cream, which I have used & it also seemed to help. I haven't tried the tincture yet, but I'll update you know once I do.
    Green Roads CBD PAIN CREAM 150 mg; MIRACLE Chiro- Cream w/ Hemp 300 mg; Green Leaf Hemp Oil Tincture Isolate 1000 mg are the products.

  12. I don’t have anxiety or pain but if this helps stress and sleep I feel like I need to give it a go.

    As for your recipe videos “not doing well” you just have to fail forward. Learn for everything and keep pushing forward. Now I sound corny, clearly watching too many of your videos 😅

  13. Can you make a video about transitioning to a vegan lifestyle? I have been making gradual changes but I’m struggling for sure-I feel like my macros are so off and I’m not sure how to get on track. 😩

  14. I want a Q and A from you
    What is your ethnicity
    Would you date a girl with kids?
    Do you want tattoos
    What type of girls do you like?
    What’s your favorite color? What’s your favorite food ?
    Do you speak another language?

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