Can you have a CDL and a medical marijuana card at the same time

Are you allowed to have a CDL and a medical marijuana card at the same time? This is my opinion only. This is not legal advice.


  1. This is so disingenuous. People are literally caught in between state and fed mind games. Black balled from certain industries and held back from certain jobs all because “well it’s legal but not really”. So misleading and unfair. You can sell legal marijuana cards but allow employers to discriminate against you because of it. BS

  2. Great video quick question. I know DOT/CDL is federal. What happens if someone test positive for THC and has a card? Does MRO still considers it a positive test?

  3. Hi sir i have my cdl and dot card already here in california but went for a physical and drug test today for employment and they said sugar was to high that I need a wavier now what can I do thank you

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