Could Hemp Become a Major Food Source?

Hemp gets a bad rap because it’s in the cannabis family. But hemp itself, and the products it creates, don’t contain THC and won’t …


  1. I am still confused differentiating among hemp, cannabis, and marijuana. Too many names, So many confusions. Marijuana is illegal in India but you can buy it from sadhu gurus to beggars. Police ride the forest area and burn acres of hemp farming lands. We have it when some festive occasions like Holy as prasad, bhang men and women. Ganja gets you high but there are no reports of death incidents using it.

  2. It's a total no Brainer so many benefits, I'm sure it'll be a top food source in the very near future.
    It's full of goodness, I'd happily eat it. 😋

  3. Extreme genetic selection exposes marginally vulnerable persons to equally extreme effects, the fact is both THC AND CBD work best TOGETHER… So, that's still bigot denial anyway.

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