12 Hours of Deep Separation Anxiety Music for Dogs [They will thank you!]

Is your pup having trouble adjusting to being alone while you’re away? This 12 hours of deep separation anxiety music for dogs …


  1. i love having these play to my 9 weeks old puppy because it usally take him awhile to gts in his new cage but when i play these he goes right to sleep within 5 mins

  2. Doggsitter here, is this soposed to be for a certain breed of dog? I have a certain mix and it's not working for her, in fact she seems more unease when I play this. Any recommendations please?

  3. This really worked for my 10 month old with multiple health conditions. He slept the most sound in his crate today ever. I'm looking forward to what happens tonight when he goes to sleep. Thanks!
    Ps And thanks so much for not having ads interrupt it.

  4. Babysitting a dog named Tilly for four days, she gets quite nervous when someone isn't next to her and is missing her parents so I always play this and she falls asleep in 5 minutes!! Now it's just mine and hers little track. Thank you so much. ❤

  5. I'm getting my very small puppy used to his kennel and I put him in there at only 9 weeks and he was going nuts in there until I turned this music on. He stopped crying almost immediately and hasn't cried again. We're 25 minutes in.

  6. My dog is 5 and has huge separation anxiety, this absolutely helps her while I'm in the home she doesn't follow me around as much with this going but I can't leave her alone in the house without a human…. any tips would hugely be grateful?

  7. Merlin my name is Dylan and I just wanted to say thank you so much for these beautiful videos it knocked out my 2 month old dog willow who is a golden doodle and now I can play Xbox with my friends while having my new loyal companion next to me thank you you’re a lifesaver and keep it up

  8. I have two dogs they are solid brothers one just died. And now the older one is having a separation anxiety. I don't know what to do, his not eating, don't have appetite his not playing anymore because he uses to play, sleep and eat with his brother who passed away 3 days ago. I always seeing his eyes with tears. anyone can help me?

  9. thank you for such a wonderful and relaxing music.I play the music in this channel for my dog every time my husband and I go out.my dog suffer from separation anxiety.he cry’s a lot every time my husband gets out of the truck.

  10. This has to be the best dog calming video I have used. It's so good that I've been putting it on at night for us both to fall asleep to, my dog loves it & so do I! Thank you!

  11. Music stops after an hour and asks if I'm still listening. I try to play this while I'm gone. What's the point of 11 hours of separation anxiety music if it Stops after an hour?

  12. I’m in absolute awe! My puppy who normally takes a 15 minute nap, took a whole 4 hour nap. He even had me worried there for a second because he was still in a trance when he woke up (couldn’t walk well)😂. But wow, it worked amazingly! Thank you so much!

  13. Thank you 🙏❤🙏 for the fantastic video 🎥 with the music for dogs. 🎶 I am very happy. Well done, I subscribed to your YouTube channel. I look forward to many new interesting videos from you. I wish you a lot of energy for new videos.❤❤❤

  14. This worked surprisingly great! When I came home from work, my dog stood up, walked on two hindlegs to me, and shook my hand with its paw while profusely thanking me. This video is a life changer! Greatly appreciate it!

  15. This so incredible , my daughter in law's dog !! it started with his eyes blinking to shut down and then he laid down .This took 40 seconds ! OMG … so much love with this music !

  16. I am going to try this. Hoping it helps as my two dogs have so much anxiety. My husdband passed away a couple months ago suddenly when I was not home. When I got home our one do was laying on him licking him. Since then they freak out when I leave for even a short amount of time.

  17. Dog sitting a shorkie who has really bad separation anxiety but I have been playing this all week and he falls asleep throughout the night! I forgot to play it last night and he was up bored lol but once I started playing the video he was sound asleep!

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