Best Supplements for Sleep? CBD, Melatonin & Magnesium (pros & cons)

Do you have sleep problems? Maybe you have insomnia, restless leg syndrome, snoring, sleep apnea, or more than one of these …


  1. Magnesium made me dream really intense. Sleep for 3-4hrs and then wake up nervous from intense dreams ech hour. Switched to Ashwaghanda ksm 66 and it improved my sleep dramaticly. CBD doesn't really do anything for me I think, other than make me very sweaty at night. I haven't tried melotonin because it is a hormone.

    I still take the magnesium with B vitamins in the morning because it does wonders for muscle aches.

  2. I started taking a mag gly supplement in January and not only have I had better sleep, but also fewer migraines, less stress, and fewer cycle-related mood swings. It's been very helpful for me!

  3. Creatinine also helps with sleep plus the melatonin, the mistake most people make is taking melatonin daily they never read the instructions that tell you not to take it daily. I take it 3 times a week along with the creatinine

  4. I am currently using a CBD-THC combo without much result. I'm doing this under the guidance of a cannabis specialist doctor and we are still titrating. I have tried Melatonin and Valerian with mixed results. I will try the Magnesium Gycinate. Thanks for the suggestion and for another informative session!

  5. There is an other problem with melatonin. It suppresses serotonin production. So yes, melatonin for emergencies, but not regular use, magnesium glycinate is the best form of magnesium.

  6. CBN is preferred to CBD for sleep. I’ve been using the same formulation (a combo of the two) for a year without a tolerance buildup. I love the company so much I became an affiliate in order to offer discounts. It really changed my life.

  7. spot on Lucas. As always! Have been sleeping 3-5hs a night especially during week nights. Wake up in the middle of the night and nothing i can do helps: meditation, reading, audio books, praying, eating or drinking something. It is frustrating and exhasperating. Tried magnesium glycinate, helped in the beginning but after a week the old pattern resumed. It's been now 4 nights ( one day before your video 😊, i love these synchonicities!) that a friend recomended a plant-based pill called Relaxane with valerian root, passion flower extract, melissa leaf extract and Butterbur extract.Felt a bit miraculous as i hadn't been able to sleep through the night in months! will continue taking it and also avoiding alcohol and heavy meals at night and continue taking magnesium before bed. Feels great to be able to sleep even if i have to take some aids for the time being. I expect it is a phase.

  8. I started taking Magnesium in the evenings & it's definitely helped me have better quality sleep over time! Also in extreme cases if I'm having a ton of trouble sleeping due to racing thoughts or whatever, I'll take a Valerian Root pill & it does the trick 😊

  9. Pubmed!!!!

    Introduction: Calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), or the calcium to magnesium (Ca:Mg) ratio may affect the risk of dementia via complex mechanisms. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of dietary Ca, Mg, and Ca:Mg ratio with dementia risk at the prospective phase of the Shanghai Aging Study.

    Methods: We analyzed data from 1565 dementia-free participants living in an urban community who had measurements of dietary Ca and Mg intake derived from a food frequency questionnaire at baseline and incident dementia during follow-up.

    Results: Over the 5-year follow-up, 162 (10.4%) participants were diagnosed with incident dementia by Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition criteria. Participants with the lowest tertile of dietary Ca (<339.1 mg/day) and Mg (<202.1 mg/day) had the highest incidence rates of dementia (3.3/100 person-years for Ca, 3.3/100 person-years for Mg) compared to those with higher Ca and Mg intake. In the subgroup with Ca:Mg ratios ≤ 1.69, Mg intake >267.5 mg/day was related to an increased risk for dementia (adjusted hazard ratio: 3.97, 95% confidence interval: 1.29-12.25).

    Conclusions: Our findings suggest that high dietary intake of Mg is associated with an increased risk of dementia mainly among older adults with low Ca:Mg intake ratios. Proper balance of Ca to Mg in the diet may be critical to the relationship between Mg intake and risk of dementia.

    Highlights: Participants with the lowest tertile of dietary calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) had the highest incidence rates of dementia.In the subgroup with Ca:Mg ratios ≤1.69, Mg intake >267.5 mg/day was related to an increased risk for dementia.Balance of Ca to Mg in diet may be critical to the relationship between Mg intake and risk of dementia.

    Keywords: aging; calcium; cohort; dementia; dietary; magnesium.

  10. I'm interested in magnesium and children. I have 5 young children and a few years ago I started giving them melatonin at night–started by cutting up a single adult 5mg dose into 12 pieces and gradually increased over time. My kids are now 5, 6, 9, 9 and 10 and they take a 1 mg children's gummy. If they don't take it, it is more difficult to fall asleep–with the exception of our 5 year old who sometimes falls asleep in Dad's arms on the couch before bed. Bedtime with 5 kids was a challenge and now it goes smoothly–we have a good routine and the melatonin, but using melatonin like this has always been a concern for me. I'm interested in magnesium. Natural Vitality has a CALM gummy for kids that I considered a few years ago for helping one of my kids with emotions–I discontinued because we had an incident the moment they arrived before they got into the locked medicine cabinet–I got distracted and the kids opened the package and ate a large quantity. But I'd like to try something like these again. Are these something you think might be helpful for kids–wean off the melatonin and replace with the magnesium?

  11. if im being honest I cant find much melatonin under 10 mg sublingual and when i take that the effect is almost nothing so how a .5mg dose would work is just not gonna help anyone irl

  12. Thanks for this helpful info. Yes. I get headaches when I wake up from 3 mcg of melatonin. I was taking it very rarely. But when I have, melatonin gave me a headache the next day. So I stopped taking it. I got some Z-quil. But I only take it when I really need to get into a good, deep sleep. & 1/2 dose of Z-quil works great for me, no known side effects. But I need something I can take more regularly, as I’m trying to reverse my circadian clock. I do sleep, but i usually don’t get to sleep until morning, which causes me to sleep later than I should, in order to get enough sleep. So, I’m just trying to get my sleep pattern back to normal bedtime hours. Thank you for the info on magnesium. I will definitely try that. I really appreciate your videos. Thank you very much.❤️😊

  13. I started taking magnesium orotate recently, it's supposed to support cardiovascular health and have other benefits. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.

  14. I’m chronically stressed and I can confirm magnesium is key and helps finding balance without making you sluggish.
    Have you ever talked about lavender essential oil to help falling asleep? Because that thing is craaazy in a diffuser. Don’t know if that’s good or bad.

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