Flipping The Script: When Parents Fight Back

Few know that children already in remission from cancer, are forced by doctors into long term (2-4 year) chemotherapy mostly to …


  1. i know so many whove died from blindly listening to clueless doctors.. and this one documentary could have saved them. but, many will not want to watch it. or learn. the eyes are useless when the mind is blind,

  2. Medical Hostage is a real thing! Thank you Jeff for making this documentary it is so empowering for parents needing to educate themselves! Wish I would have had this support and knowledge but glad others in the future will have it!
    Parents follow your gut:^ We are here for you, our strength is growing!
    May God be with us as we move forward, each individual is united now!!

  3. Wow. This is honestly one of my favorite documentaries. So well done. And very informative. This is such an important message- I hope it gets the attention it deserves. I recommend all my friends watch this- especially the ones with kids.

  4. This documentary changed so many things for me. I'm more aware of the environmental issues that impact my health and my families. As a personal friend to the Santiago's watching them walk through this journey was so …. just mind boggling because we know their lifestyle is so healthy and not full of junk. I remember the night I heard about Allora and it shook me to my core. Then watching them flee the country – I was just in awe that we live in a world where they had to do that to live out their decisions as parents. I love these people so much and I'm indebted to them for how they've loved on me and my family in the hardest of our times. Praying for the blessings to keep flowing.

  5. Excellent! Thank you for sharing your stories and the truth about this insidious disease and the other side of the story for treating it!!

  6. Great documentary. Thank you for sharing these stories! I am so impressed by the courage, intelligence and strength of the parents that "flipped the script!" 💙💙💙

  7. So amazed by the parents in this film who are pushing the boundaries of children's health. When you find out the truth about child cancer treatment, namely that nothing has been tested nor have the protocols been changed in the last 50 years, it's clear why pediatric oncologists do what they do . . . at $1.5 Million per child they are more than content to keep the status quo.

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