How Much Omega-3 Do You Need per Day? | Nutritarian Diet | Dr. Joel Fuhrman

Our modern diet, which includes a lot of animal products and vegetable oils, has caused most Americans to have a high ratio of …


  1. Dear Dr. I can't find any veg source of Dha in my country. (Argentina) Only flaxseed oil or the actual flax or chia seeds…Ive been vegan for 3 years and vegetarian for 14. Do you think is ok to just get those? How much?

  2. I do appreciate Dr. Fuhrman’s conscientious approach to all he teaches. Don’t leave anything to chance ~ rather than a just eat all you want of whatever whole plant foods and starches you desire approach. What sustains us long term is what will matter most in the end.

  3. This impostor should be put to prison for misleading people and taking their health away. Look at him, how unhealthy hoo look. I'd like to talk to him about his connections and the purposes of this channel. All clear. Impostor

  4. I recently had my Omega index tested via OmegaQuant. My results were terrible despite having loads of chia, flax, etc. So I will be taking a DHA/EPA supplement soon.
    Why does OmegaQuant say the ideal omega 3 index is 12, whereas plant based doctors recommend a lower range between 4 and 6?

  5. Dr. F., a new(ish) vegan dha supplement which contains DPA that they say is superior to EPA. Is this true? Is it worth taking?
    It’s called, “Freshfield Vegan Omega-3, DHA&DPA.”

  6. There was a Harvard health letter that pointed out that omega-6s were only able to interfere with or displace a certain percentage (40%?) of omega-3s. There is a limit. So they suggested not worrying about omega-6s. You're very unlikely to get too much, as long as you are getting extra omega-3s. The extra omega-3s are like insurance — they cover you and obviate the danger of getting too little because of omega-6 displacement.

  7. I didn't think to ask the doctor to check my Omega 3 when I had labs done this month. I have your dha/epa and need to remember to take it every day and have it checked in 3 months when I have labs done again. I also need to replace half the cashews with hemp seeds or walnuts when doing sauces and soups etc. Thank you!! 💕😊

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