๐Ÿ’ฅLOOK OUT! Hired GUN Agents In ALL 50 STATES!๐Ÿ’ฅ

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  1. Best mascot ever..but to be correct nowadays you need to be all inclusive – a white chick(no pun intended)..a red one..a trans male and trans female and a nonbinary..just saying๐Ÿ˜‚..as always prayers and blessings

  2. KEEP YOUR EYES ON JESUS PEOPLE not the PUPPET show. We are seeing End Times Bible Prophecy coming to pass before our eyes ๐Ÿ‘€ Jesus Christ has already won this spiritual battle โœ๏ธ and we were born for such a time as this and this is not our home saints we are just a passing through ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ‘ FAITH OVER FEAR DEAR SAINTS ๐Ÿ‘ Please leave Bibles and left behind letters and kits with your preps for those that are left behind because many people will be saved during the Tribulation โœ๏ธ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ‘

  3. Wow!!! The IRS is really gearing up by hiring very physically fit , gun yielding and also highly qualified mathematicians and intelligent comprehensively alert IRS knowledgeable tax people. Of course these people will be without conscience or ethical and moral internal makeup. Yeah, sounds like it is all going to work out great.

  4. I'd like to see where the Internal Revenue Services using their money that they're taken from the people that keeps disappearing we've got billions of dollars that they printed that has disappeared. When they find it it's in their pockets or can't prove it they get the same president or no president..

  5. I prefer longer content
    I just watched the David the good interview but about an hour in I decided to watch it with my husband instead of finishing it alone
    We switch off picking what to watch together in our evening "date nights", we do that once or twice a week
    My husband tends to pick movies and I tend to pick informational stuff ๐Ÿคช

  6. I missed the live stream, but was listening to this while handwashing the dishes. We have the fruitless mulberry trees, which grow like crazy here and trying to get rid of them. We also have fruitless grapevines, we are trying to get rid of as well. Hoping one day, I can get an actual green house built and have an actual garden, but for now, it's a small container garden.

  7. Jamie Dimon's just returning to their fundamental roots & the 'purity' and 'literal simplicity' of what 'transferring the wealth' really means to a nicolaitan, 'superior' & 'god' with a hired gun, a prostituted gangster….and we're all supposed to feel sorry for the sold out victims, not 'bully' them, not question their 'white hat' status & certification etc, & not pull back the curtain & layers to find the directors, managers & pimps driving & arming the thing.

  8. I remember last year when they were hiring minions to work for tyrants. Shame on all those Americans joining the evil tyrants instead of fighting against them. You WILL pay in hell.

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