1. Keto was made for epilepsy because it cuts out carbs…carbs turn into sugar and sugar has a slight stimulant effect on the body and theyre gonna say caffiene doesnt trigger seizures 🤯 thats pure bull. I gave up caffiene and i am 7 years seizure free

  2. I stopped caffeine for health reasons. One day I decided to go back on caffeine and lo and behold my seizures returned. So yes in my case the caffeine did trigger the seizures.

  3. It doesnt. Your brain creates a chemical named hypocretin. Which keeps you awake. Low hypokretin can cause a seizure. And caffeine acts as a replacement

    Edit: the only bad side effects are related to things coffee usually does

  4. I actually had seizure triggered by coffee… I went to sleep late so i ahd my treshold for siezures already lowered, but i'd be okay if i did not drink that coffee, that triggered generalized seizure.
    How do i know it was caffeine? Bcus like 2 weeks later i had normal sleep and in the work i drank a green tea in the morning and i got panic attack. Similar to what happend before the seizure that day i drank coffee. Sadly no more caffeine for me.

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