Does CBD Help Anxiety? – Medical Opinion – Dr Gill

Does CBD Help Anxiety? Sponsored link to NaturCan 25% of people in the UK will experience anxiety …


  1. Dr Gill, does your research include any studies made by other cultures or in other languages? I’m curious about all the studies made around the world since Cannabis has been around for quite a long time.
    Also, great video and very informative! Keep it up 😊

  2. I love CBD but THC is a dark road for me. I just can’t stand when people say THC isn’t an addictive substance like tobacco, I always say neither is gambling

  3. Dr Gill – I've applied to graduate medicine twice and I've been unsuccessful on both occasions. The thing that's holding me back is the UCAT, and I wanted your view on it as a tool for assessing the quality of applicants to medical school. It strikes me the main challenge is not just 'time management', but *speed *. What if there are many applicants – possibly like myself – who are prevented from going to medical school simply because they lack the mental alacrity the test requires. In other respects, I've done everything possible to make a good application (worked as an HCA for months, attained two degrees at 1:1). Help, basically.

  4. I have been using cbd for a while and I have noticed a huge difference in how I respond to my daily levels of stress and I started at a low doseage and got myself to a level that I feel is right for me

  5. I tried CBD to treat my anxiety and did not notice that much of a difference only in the instance of being more sleepy. I did eventually turn to medication which did help calm me down. I suppose maybe it varies from person to person but it did not work for me. Thank you as always for your insight and work Dr. Gill.

  6. Would this help with my cervical degenerative disc disease and my arm? I have terrible pain most days due to my neck. I was rx'd Gabepentin, but i wont take it, for the side effects, and i do suffer from anxiety and a little anger. And diabetic, could it help this too? Thank you in advance for your input, Dr. Gill. 😊

  7. Sending this video to my mom in the hope that she'll consider CBD for her rheumatoid arthritis and sleeping issues. It's so hard to convince her to try it – both my siblings are stoners so she's decided marijuana is the absolute worst substance in the world 😬

  8. THC and CBD combined seems to be the ticket personally! You can definitely have too much of a good thing however 😅

    To be fair I haven't tried concentrated CBD oils personally so I can't say I've compared apples with apples.

  9. CBD helps my sleep sooo much. Ive been on antidepressants and anti anxiety meds like luvox, propanol and hydroxyzine. Ive tried xanax and ativan and nothing works quite like cannabis. I prefer the one with thc and use indica edibles.

  10. I tried CBD for PTSD. I used it under the tongue and vaping*. It didn't make any significant difference for me, but at least it didn't make me sleepy or mess with my sleep schedule like other anti anxiety meds. I feel like it could be a useful first port of call to see if it is beneficial if things become more conclusive study wise as to benefits and risks

    (*I only bought the vape for cbd, got rid of it once i felt no benefit)

  11. As a lifelong sufferer of anxiety from undiagnosed sensory and auditory processing disorders and OCD I really appreciated this video! While my anxiety probably isn’t caused by those because both my brother and sister also have anxiety as well as my dad they definitely exacerbated it for sure.

    Recently I’ve been thinking about therapy for my anxiety because of its impacts on me at work and my lack of seeking treatment for it thus far in my life but I’ve been hesitant about medication because of addiction running in my mom’s side of the family and because of my SPD’s effects on my body causing problems with pills. Great video!

  12. CBD does not eleviate my anxiety or stress but it just removes the physical symptoms I get from anxiety such as heart palpitations. Doesn't actually help the real issue. I smoked weed (thc) for years and it started to make me really sick. I couldnt eat, was nauseous and lost heaps of weight quickly. My naturopath suspected an endo cannabi oid imbalance so I switched to CBD for a while so I could deal with the withdrawal (increased anxiety) after quitting weed. Now I don't do either but still have anxiety lol

  13. I am stoned right now and anxiety plays no role in my thought process prior or now. The psychedelic experience is complex. It is true that some people use weed almost constantly as a way of sidestepping some aspect of their lives, but even with those, it is hard to judge the effects as detrimental or lifestyle choice. Once again, I want to emphasise that the weed user does not really involve anxiety in their decision making process. Marijuana if anything amplifies your senses and memory, your insight empathy and sensitivity.

  14. Hmm, sounds like its a bit of a gray area, as much as I want my anxiety and depression to be heavy reduced to more manageable levels, I think until there solid conclusive evidence and research and regulation, maybe unless my doctor/physician/GP would recommend it without any serious risks, I might not use it personally but again not enough research sadly, so I think Ill avoid it.

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