Sanjay investigates "Weed" Pt. 2

Dr. Sanjay Gupta examines the potential benefits of medical marijuana. Over 10 years, Dr. Gupta’s reporting on the topic has …


  1. Speap for yourself. Marijuana has helped me with music and my study habits. My dad told me in college he was nervous about his exam ,smoked a joint and passed with a A .

  2. The most recent execution to be conducted in Singapore was on 17 May 2023, when a 36-year-old Singaporean man named Muhammad Faizal Mohd Shariff, who was found guilty of trafficking 1.5kg of marijuana, was hanged at dawn after losing his final appeal.

    On Wednesday (17 May), Singapore executed Muhammad Faizal Mohd Shariff, 36, convicted for cannabis possession, marking the city-state’s second execution within a span of three weeks.

  3. Dear President USA 🇺🇲,,,
    41 POOR castes beg you with tears 😭 👍🌷🙏🏿😭to help them,,
    Bangalore and Tamil Nadu politics,,
    You must intervene in India political games 🌷🌷👍,,
    For example ,, Divide and rule politics by BJP party.
    4% reservations are taken away from MUSLIM communities,,so now they will grow as hopeless and will work for Pakistan,,
    Also I feel no need to ban Bajrangdal ( our God is God for bajrangdal also ,they need Christ,or his mercies,,to muslims and Sikhs and even to Christians ourselves,,),,( if we ban them again they will get angry to grow to destroy,,) because we can ask them to live muslims as Patriots,, india,( past records show muslims build great India ,tax ,first only whites came after longtime,😁😁🙏🏼)
    In Tamil Nadu India,10.5% reservations are given to a single caste vanniyars because they are in BJP party alliance,,but POOR 41 castes are shedding tears ,,
    For this reason 180 countries of world bring economic sanctions upon India',, 🇮🇳,,it is like sadam Hussain killings of his own minority Kurdish muslims ,,41 poor castes are very few numbers in strength,,so Modi played a game and cheating them ,,with the help of play boy chief ministers here ,,( rich life ,,like when French people asked for bread,,no bread ,the Queen said let them have cake 🍰🎂😁😁😁,,)( they don't know how much poverty,,or , people sufferings)🌷🪴🌴🥦☘️☘️🙏🏼👍I am afraid a modi game here influencing Sivakumar or karge ji 😢😮😅😊😅No need for rotation,,or no need for Siva Kumar ji grievances,,😮😅😅, Sitharamaya can lead congress party karnataka PEOPLE very well next five years or more,,karhe ji , ಮುಖ್ಯಮಂತ್ರಿಯನ್ನು ಘೋಷಿಸುವುದನ್ನು ವಿಳಂಬ ಮಾಡಬೇಡಿ ಎಂದು ನಾನು ವಿನಂತಿಸುತ್ತೇನೆ. ಸೇತರಾಮಯ್ಯ ಉತ್ತಮ ಆಯ್ಕೆ .ಸರದಿ ಮುಖ್ಯಮಂತ್ರಿಗಳ ಅಗತ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ🌷☘️☘️🙏🏼🥦🥦☘️
    God bless USA 🇺🇲,,
    God bless RAGHUL GANDHI ji ,
    Karge ji ❤️,,

  4. 100's of thousands of ballots dropped off at once in sacks in the middle of the night throughout various municipalities throughout dozens BLUE states… "Oh! Oh! Oh! But all those ballots "could have been" for Trump!!!"

  5. STUPID HUMANS….the universe gives you all you need to cure and prevent and solve… yet you refuse to open your mind and your eyes to recognize it …. This plant is PRICELESS !!!!! It uses are LIMITLESS….and to NOT use it is ..well…. STUPID AND IRRESPONSIBLE … but hey… back to the top…. STUPID HUMANS 🙄🙄

  6. Hey Sanjay?
    Ivermectin; Let's hear your opinion now that you got schooled.
    It's the most popular, successful, and prescribed medication in world history.
    But YOU SAY it's dangerous for treating viruses.
    Tell us how your medical opinion differs from the millions of other medical professionals who have prescribed this medication for about 70 years.

  7. Durham's report is out. Why aren't left wing media networks not reporting on it. Is it because Trump was right. That it was a witch hunt. Im calling on CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and other left wingers that to apologize to the American people for blindly and purposely pushing a false narrative and creating division among Americans.

  8. I've used cannabis for 54 years. I do not smoke all day long. Usually just once a day, in the afternoon, and then I usually go play guitar for an hour or so. Moderate use will not get in the way of your life. The key is always moderation.

  9. Banning weed is definitely white supremacists in action. They want to enslave the races and weed slows down the work rates. Biden needs to decriminalise all drugs or be racist.

  10. Props to Dr Gupta for going on Rogan, but then not pushing back on Don Lemon when he said "Joe Rogan took horse medicine" was so effed up.

  11. I’d rather chill with people who smoke weed than alcoholics who become aggressive. But like alcohol has many supportive agencies we need the same for drug use. Like anything we take into our bodies please don’t overdo it, there is a link to overuse of weed to schizophrenia for those who are vulnerable to this affliction.,

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