Seizure in a wheelchair // how to help

My daughter has several seizures every day. The number one priority while she’s having a seizure is to make sure she’s safe.


  1. Thank you so much for making this video! Especially because your filming a live seizure which is much more informative than a simulation. I feel more confident about being able to comfort and keep our students safe. Best wishes to you and yours.

  2. Raylynn is one lucky princess to have daddy by her side during big or small seizures. Does your reassurance seem to help them leave her quicker once she can get her gaze on you?

  3. When I had seizures 8 years ago, they were absent seizures. Before I graduated in 2019, I’ve seen people at school having the same types of seizures that Raelynn has. But you are doing a great job at protecting and looking after her. God bless you and Raelynn

  4. It’s a very helpful video, thank you. It helps so much to see and hear the safety steps you take, and the tips you show, and to see how calm you are, and to see that Raelynn can come through her seizure with your love and support.💗💗💗

  5. She’s a beautiful girl and dad you’re like an angel my son is dating a girl who has a special ed child and she has seizures like your daughter there are angels from God God bless you God bless your daughter God bless all the people and kids in this world that have seizures

  6. How can I help someone if they are having a Seizure on the bus do I tell the bus driver or do I stay with them and tell them it’s OK if you can reply back to me Chris that would be great thank you Chris God bless you guys

  7. Victoria's last few seizures were in the stroller. I tried to turn her head to the side so she wouldn't inhale the saliva, but she was too tight and I could hardly do it. The last time I managed to turn her all over to one side, it turned out to be easier than just turning her head. 🥴
    We were at the pool this morning and she had a seizure in the water, it was a nightmare like trying to pull out a 30kg carp tossing in the water.
    I will not repeat soon 🥺

  8. My heart breaks for her, my son also has seizures I have a few videos up I am so thankful for people like us that film them it's a real relief to find seizures that are new to a person … Praying for your family … Also I notice you have tube buddie I do to… Do you watched Annie Dube ?;she also has a fb group and I have learned a lot .. Have a good day today ❤️

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